


An Eldritch cat out on a fishing adventure.

2020-09-23 BeigetretenIndia



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  • Drifting_Embers
    Antwortet auf Killerdrone

    I will be honest with you, I didn't know about that. I haven't watched The Legends Of Tomorrow, only read a few snippets from wiki about Rip Hunter, Spear of Destiny, Captain Cold and such. Thus, I will sidestep this propagation of Time Wave entirely. The Siphon hasn't been my best moment, but I still wish to see it completed. Marvelous Watch that I will be posting in the Near future should hopefully reflect by growth.

    Ch 17 Chapter 17 - Game Is On
    Siphon -The Flash
    TV · Drifting_Embers
  • Drifting_Embers
    Antwortet auf Killerdrone


    Ch 17 Chapter 17 - Game Is On
    Siphon -The Flash
    TV · Drifting_Embers
  • Drifting_Embers
    Antwortet auf Killerdrone

    If I had to say, Thwane doesn't technically need the Tachyon Prototype, as he could still use his super speed. The reason why he bothers with it is for one, it would provide some short-term benefits and enhance his already weakened speed and also provide Barry with motivation to chase after him, in an attempt to make the Speedster even faster. Effectively bringing his plans to fruition earlier. He later used it to build the Quantum Splicer for Firestorm. Just goes to show, how familiar he is with this device. It's confusing, but it will just be one of the many plot holes in the series.

    Ch 16 Chapter 16 - Plastique
    Siphon -The Flash
    TV · Drifting_Embers
  • Drifting_Embers
    Antwortet auf Killerdrone

    Thwane needs it, but yes he could.

    Ch 16 Chapter 16 - Plastique
    Siphon -The Flash
    TV · Drifting_Embers
  • Drifting_Embers
    Antwortet auf Killerdrone

    Nathan doesn't know about Velocity Serum, heck doesn't know a lot, like the Speedforce. There's much to learn and a lot to deal with. But when he does, we will of course see what he thinks about it and how he will approach it.

    Ch 16 Chapter 16 - Plastique
    Siphon -The Flash
    TV · Drifting_Embers
  • Drifting_Embers
    Antwortet auf _TheLonelyReader_

    Not officially, but some articles throughout the city have been talking about the red streak, about The Flash.

    Nathan frowned but didn't rush in. He took a look around himself, and seeing that no one was anywhere near to spy on them, he looked back at the man. "You are like the Flash, but not him. Let me guess: you are the one who killed Nora Allen. But that was 14 years ago; how could a meta-human even exist 14 years ago?"
    Siphon -The Flash
    TV · Drifting_Embers
  • Drifting_Embers
    Antwortet auf Killerdrone

    The thing about having knowledge about the future is that you should never expect it to follow the same path. The fact that you know the end result and can influence the said result is proof enough of that. Thwane having access to the newspaper is his way of making sure that Barry remains useful until he get can get heck out of there. BUT he does have other information too, just like you said. For example, he already knows Oliver's identity as the Arrow, even the Dark Archer and others. But he doesn't know Nathan, because Nathan doesn't exist in the original timeline, he's like a paradox that sprang out of nowhere. So what does Thwane do, well he does what he always wanted to do, screw the Flash ten times over.

    Ch 15 Chapter 15 - Red Streak
    Siphon -The Flash
    TV · Drifting_Embers
  • Drifting_Embers
    Antwortet auf Killerdrone

    Thwane has something else planned aside from getting back home, you shall see

    Ch 15 Chapter 15 - Red Streak
    Siphon -The Flash
    TV · Drifting_Embers
  • Drifting_Embers
    Antwortet auf Killerdrone

    Nimbus guy, yeah it happened back when Nathan was snooping around Amunet's business. I am not writting the script of the series, so irrelevant parts are not added

    Ch 15 Chapter 15 - Red Streak
    Siphon -The Flash
    TV · Drifting_Embers
  • Drifting_Embers
    Antwortet auf Killerdrone

    yes, poor guy

    Ch 14 Chapter 14 - Deal
    Siphon -The Flash
    TV · Drifting_Embers
  • Drifting_Embers
    Antwortet auf Killerdrone

    Yes, Simon Stagg is dead. It happened behind the scenes here, it didn't really feel the need for writing a few hundred words just to explain what's clearly shown in the series

    Ch 14 Chapter 14 - Deal
    Siphon -The Flash
    TV · Drifting_Embers
  • Drifting_Embers
    Antwortet auf Killerdrone

    Yup, there are too unknown things when it comes to Thwane. I think writers Never thought of making it this far, and when the time came churned something out it's the same with Killer Frost Time traveling is wacky

    Ch 14 Chapter 14 - Deal
    Siphon -The Flash
    TV · Drifting_Embers
  • Drifting_Embers
    Antwortet auf ARSENAL_101

    No, he doesn't

    Siphon -The Flash
    TV · Drifting_Embers
  • Drifting_Embers
    Antwortet auf Killerdrone

    That is the dilemma. The problem with dark matter of DC is that it's too arbitrarily and more general. It can effectively help alter the people at genetic level. While the Dark Matter from Nathan can't create new mutants (because for one it's too little, and two it's for the lack of better word 'tainted' due being other's), it can however as you say 'Kick-start' someone–who is already a metahuman–into their metahuman form. And Yes, if Cisco takes this dark matter vial, he will absolutely be able to awaken his primary abilities, but will also have a temporary super speed (nowhere near Nathan's level though, much less Barry's)

    Ch 14 Chapter 14 - Deal
    Siphon -The Flash
    TV · Drifting_Embers
  • Drifting_Embers
    Antwortet auf blankbrokencanvas

    No, I have an interesting scenario plotted out for that. And it might happen earlier than you expect

    Ch 14 Chapter 14 - Deal
    Siphon -The Flash
    TV · Drifting_Embers
  • Drifting_Embers
    Antwortet auf Jdotbenzo_

    sorry for the late reply, and no this isn't dropped, my exams did on my head. the updates will resume right after I am finished.

    Ch 12 Chapter 12 - A Step Closer
    Siphon -The Flash
    TV · Drifting_Embers
  • Drifting_Embers
    Antwortet auf ScottyTheD

    This is a surprise paradox, don't you know. it's when you feel surprised over the surprise you feel that was thanks to the surprise you .... and on it goes 😂 I don't know what I wrote at that time, tbh

    As the car was parked and Nathan looked at the debris still littering the ground, he couldn't help but wonder the reason of this mess. Even then however, Nathan was still surprised, which surprised him.
    Siphon -The Flash
    TV · Drifting_Embers
  • Drifting_Embers
    Antwortet auf Maxime_Anne_Louise

    It will be spoiler if I just tell you, but what I can tell you is that, you won't have to wait long to find out

    Ch 12 Chapter 12 - A Step Closer
    Siphon -The Flash
    TV · Drifting_Embers
  • Drifting_Embers
    Antwortet auf MimicReads

    That's how Caitlin decides to cope with her loss, by not showing any emotion at all. Heck, it's one of the reasons Killed Frost is a thing

    Suddenly, in the distance a light seemed to shimmer and she stopped in her tracks trying the discern the hard-to-see silhouette of a person. Feeling that she might be needed, the ever kind but cold doctor almost ran towards the neede.
    Siphon -The Flash
    TV · Drifting_Embers
  • Drifting_Embers
    Antwortet auf Adramelech

    Cisco might not be Felicity but the guy is good. I don't bother focusing on minor problems because, one) it's a fanfiction and not an Original. Two) why bother with something that doesn't matter much. Three) while this is my first time writing a fanfiction, I deliberately don't keep track of everything. So cut me some slack

    As his shift ended right in the evening, and sky was showing a shade of red, he said his goodbyes to Rachel and went back to the lab. Caitlin had already left and so had Dr. Wells, only Cisco remained in the Cortex where he seemed to be working on something.
    Siphon -The Flash
    TV · Drifting_Embers