

2020-09-14 BeigetretenGlobal



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eternal tournment

on the start of existence there was nothing material and imaterial but there was an conection to the will of existence itself the will lived alone on the nothingness that was existence but for some reason outside the will's control existence itself was binded by rules and these rules created everything that is and is not together with the rules the gods where made the gods where beings that were created to regulated the things that where created by the rules on their respectative places there were countless gods as there was countless rules but the gods didnt have equal power there was some gods that were weaker than others or stronguer than others but all of them have power to rule above every other being but these gods seing that they were stronguer than any other being began to rule other beings like kings but there was a problem all gods began to get arrogant and try to steal things of other gods making them enter in war after eons of war almost all gods died but the stronguest ones survived the stronguest were . . Raid the god of death stella the goddes of sin merlin the god of magic fury the god of figthing nihility the god of justice xiao chu the goddes of games and love judge the god of darkness and ligth and juliet the goddes of beasts . . so the war ended but they were injured and died out making the world have no gods so the will of existence thougth of a way to form new gods giving the positions of the gods to mortal entities making them gods so she started the eternal tournment where the heroes and villains of the planes of existence to figth among themselfs in a battle royale so the 8 last entities can recive the godhead of the stronguest gods

Phanton · Anime & Comics
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