


Learning English, eager to try to write some stories, although not very confident about the result...

2020-09-07 BeigetretenBrazil



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  • WhereIsMyName
    Antwortet auf killermonk89

    And that's considering if you are a common cop, the FBI has face recognition software and they are even using it to track down people who invaded the capitol recently, it IS really easy to discover the MC's identity.

    Their encounter with the vigilante made him a bit confused, Yellow Flash looked familiar to him. The most concerning thing was one of the attacks he used, it looked eerily similar to his friend Allan.
    Light Human In MHA
    Anime und Comics · VeganMaster
  • WhereIsMyName
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    I'm not giving too much credit, I once completed a course of private detective, it is so easy to get his information using tools available for civilians that any cop would take just a few days with a single video who showed at least partially his face.

    Their encounter with the vigilante made him a bit confused, Yellow Flash looked familiar to him. The most concerning thing was one of the attacks he used, it looked eerily similar to his friend Allan.
    Light Human In MHA
    Anime und Comics · VeganMaster
  • WhereIsMyName
    Antwortet auf jocelimf

    pesquisa how to ivent everything a guide for the stranded time-traveller

    Although it took him basically forever to recreate the material he wanted to use, since he wasn't really a genius of chemistry back in his previous life, only giving the subject proper attention now that he was a mage, he still managed to successfully recreate Kevlar, in fact, he owes this achievement to the fact that he had read the guide on how to rebuild civilization from scratch for the stranded time traveler, after all, he could remember bits and pieces of it every time he went to sleep since he actively focused on it every single day before sleeping.
    Dragon Age: Magic Is My Goal
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  • WhereIsMyName
    Antwortet auf ErozothDraeor

    In dragon age magic users aren't the strongest usually, they are slow and easily killed by people who focus on physical attacks, specially templars and seekers since they can pretty much deny magic, the biggest exception for this rule are Knight-Enchanters, they don't usually have or use flashy spells but their physical bodies, spells and abilities put together makes them one of the most powerful kind of mages, as such they tend to be viewed with large respect by every faction since they excel in both departments, body and magic. But they are a rare profession in this case, because they are one of the most difficult specializations to master.

    Ch 14 CHAPTER 13
    Dragon Age: Magic Is My Goal
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  • WhereIsMyName
    Antwortet auf Jeasus_Cwist

    They will definitely appear.

    "But what about Corypheus? That man is an abomination! The artifact can't peer into his past nor his future, every event that he seems to be connected to is completely obscured from the artifact."
    Dragon Age: Magic Is My Goal
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  • WhereIsMyName
    Antwortet auf Jeasus_Cwist

    I always go with the mage route, in the first game I ended up going with the romance with Morrigan and having the god baby. In the second I did female Hawke and romance with Anders The third I went with Qunari inquisitor and cassandra as the romance option. As for specific choices the only ones that truly mattered to me, was making Alistair king with Loghain's daughter as queen, and siding with Anders about the mage freedom thing...

    "But what about Corypheus? That man is an abomination! The artifact can't peer into his past nor his future, every event that he seems to be connected to is completely obscured from the artifact."
    Dragon Age: Magic Is My Goal
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  • WhereIsMyName
    Antwortet auf Jeasus_Cwist

    Besides, this is an alternate universe it is in the tags, and what does this date has to do with this? The problem isn't related to that.

    "But what about Corypheus? That man is an abomination! The artifact can't peer into his past nor his future, every event that he seems to be connected to is completely obscured from the artifact."
    Dragon Age: Magic Is My Goal
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    yeah, know from hundreds of years ago.

    "But what about Corypheus? That man is an abomination! The artifact can't peer into his past nor his future, every event that he seems to be connected to is completely obscured from the artifact."
    Dragon Age: Magic Is My Goal
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  • WhereIsMyName
    Antwortet auf Jeasus_Cwist

    You have quite a shallow vision of good and evil...

    Irving nodded and his figure disappeared from the mirror...
    Dragon Age: Magic Is My Goal
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  • WhereIsMyName
    Antwortet auf YoungestKing

    No it isn't, nor it will ever be, soldiers, police, etc. They are trained to distinguish ally from foe, they don't kill anyone just because that person is there, this would be stupid unless you're a murderer.

    Ch 15 CHAPTER 14
    Dragon Age: Magic Is My Goal
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  • WhereIsMyName
    Antwortet auf YoungestKing

    it isn't, this spell don't kill you or hurt you, it eats away your vitality, makes you feel weak and tired, miasma.

    Frowning, Abraham didn't hesitate anymore, he warned the man and he still chose to ignore his words. Running towards the man, Abraham conjured his spirit blade and ran towards the man. With the blade lifted high, he brought it down with speed, trying to slash the man in a single movement, but what happened next made him open his eyes wide in surprise.
    Dragon Age: Magic Is My Goal
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  • WhereIsMyName
    Antwortet auf YoungestKing

    Yes, unless you have a crystal ball and can see the future, they can't tell a mage strength without seeing him in action.

    Ch 15 CHAPTER 14
    Dragon Age: Magic Is My Goal
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    The thing is, you're assuming that he has minions working for him. Also, he knows what he is fighting, the study of the fade, demons and spirits is common knowledge to every faction related to the chantry. Look, I know you are confused but things will be slowly explained.

    Ch 15 CHAPTER 14
    Dragon Age: Magic Is My Goal
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    Besides, canonically only the Architect and Corypheus are know to use minions to do their job, the argument of someone's power defining what he does or doesn't makes no sense, have you ever stopped to see that nor Hawke, nor the Warden commander, nor Maric, nor the Inquisitor ever stopped getting their hands dirty and always did the hard work? And they are all high level boss characters.

    Ch 15 CHAPTER 14
    Dragon Age: Magic Is My Goal
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    Besides, every demon they fought are the weakest ones, I never mentioned anything more powerful than that.

    Ch 15 CHAPTER 14
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    nope, he was attacking the demons, not the blood mages, I thought it was clear that they weren't in the same place considering how they never met one during this whole time. And yes I know the information must be delivered, but you guys are getting a little bit impatient aren't you?

    Ch 15 CHAPTER 14
    Dragon Age: Magic Is My Goal
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  • WhereIsMyName
    Antwortet auf YoungestKing

    It seem people lack common sense in this platform, you see someone who doesn't attack everything in sight, doesn't wear the enemy's cloth, and don't attack you, are you going to attack someone for no reason? He warned him because that's the minimum he should have done, the man could after all be a circle mage from somewhere else. Sincerely you have to be a psycho to simply attack and ask questions later.

    Frowning, Abraham didn't hesitate anymore, he warned the man and he still chose to ignore his words. Running towards the man, Abraham conjured his spirit blade and ran towards the man. With the blade lifted high, he brought it down with speed, trying to slash the man in a single movement, but what happened next made him open his eyes wide in surprise.
    Dragon Age: Magic Is My Goal
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    As for him, he wasn't really out in the danger, as stated earlier in the story, if anything, he should be able to escape most enemies, he just wasn't expecting to face someone who truly shouldn't have been there.

    Ch 15 CHAPTER 14
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    That's because I'm not info dumping you every information, since now isn't the time for you to know.

    Ch 15 CHAPTER 14
    Dragon Age: Magic Is My Goal
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  • WhereIsMyName
    Antwortet auf YoungestKing

    Do you attack someone without knowing if it's enemy or not?

    Ch 15 CHAPTER 14
    Dragon Age: Magic Is My Goal
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