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2020-09-05 BeigetretenUkraine

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  • Ismir_Atreides
    Antwortet auf Zeke_Arkhadiaxz

    Yep... Just image all this plan and try to think it is possible to do?😅🤦‍♂️

    "Tywin Lannister understands the dangers the game brings with it. I would have cut my throat if Rhaegar had ever touched me. There is only one and all the others will never get that."
    Robert I Baratheon
    Bücher und Literatur · DaoistWDfd8h
  • Ismir_Atreides

    And now we can see that the author saw a negative reaction from readers about Elia's situation, and he tried to fix it with the most unrealistic methods from Fandom theories about Fleat Button' Prince... P.S Before that drama and Rebellion' rushing arc, this book was wonderful and well written Maybe it would be better to re-write this part of history and not create drama for drama?😅🤷‍♂️

    "I understand, Elia. I understand perfectly. Picking a random infant from the streets was a smart move on your part. I do wonder how you got the Grand Maester Pycelle to agree to this. He had to have known all the time. What about those tests and the babe-belly?"
    Robert I Baratheon
    Bücher und Literatur · DaoistWDfd8h
  • Ismir_Atreides
    The only reason I haven't ended his life yet is because I want to get Ben, Johnny, and Susan firmly in my corner first before dealing with the walking catastrophe that is Mr. Fantastic. But once I accomplish my goal, his rubbery ass is grass.
    I Am Doom (Marvel)
    Anime und Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • Ismir_Atreides

    Man, he is good 👍

    "In regards to both of those matters I say it is none of this assembly's business." I spoke. Ignoring the shocked, and few angry looks, on some of the delegates faces at my words. But I care not. "Yes, you heard me right. And I say this because for years this institution, this body, did nothing as both my homeland and Sokovia were trapped in needless cycles of violence and disarray. You all sat here, turning your gazes away from both situations, and now you have the audacity to question my actions! You have no right!" I exclaimed. "But to placate your feelings I shall grace with a form of explanation in regards to my actions in regards to Latveria, and then in regards to Sokovia. First in Latveria, I simply liberated my homeland from the tyrannical rule of Vladimir Fortunov and his ilk. Who were unfit to call themselves royals. Seeing as how they served themselves and not the people. People like my mother and father. Who the Fortunov's killed. Leaving me alone without their warmth and comfort as I grew up in a hell. One I sought to change. And I did. Now Latveria is under my rule, under my protection, and I say now it will never experience such times as the reign of the Fortunov family again. Secondly, Sokovia was in much the same situation as Latveria before I helped to liberate it. Not only that but its former leaders were planning an invasion of my country. Along with our longtime ally Symkaria. They wanted both nations de-stabilized so they could claim them for their own. Unfortunately for them Latveria and Symkaria got wind of this plot and struck first. And seeing how ravaged Sokovia was I knew it was dead already. So I put it out of its misery. I let it rest, so that what remained behind could be turned into something new. Something better. And that is all I have to say about those two matters. Good day." I finished.
    I Am Doom (Marvel)
    Anime und Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • Ismir_Atreides

    Why so small? I thought Sword was his main weapon and training the most with it? 🤔 And still, his archery somehow is better

    *Sword Proficiency (proficient-10/30)
    The Vengeful Lion of House Lannister
    Bücher und Literatur · HungryWolf2024
  • Ismir_Atreides

    Well, that was your house failures 🤷‍♂️ People are tired of having every 30-50 years, new civil wars all over continent. Sometimes, with fling WMD😅 It's quite logical that people think, maybe it would be better without whitehead psychos on the throne

    Houses Tyrell, Tully and Greyjoy's loyalty had wavered over the years. Houses Stark, Arryn and Lannister were the most loyal, but Dorne was the outlier, their loyalty was fickle, many Dornish Lords still yearned to be independent again.
    The Vengeful Lion of House Lannister
    Bücher und Literatur · HungryWolf2024
  • Ismir_Atreides

    Gold, I like your idea 😈👍 Looks like Aegon's II personal sigil

    I see a young prince, his banner, a gold 3 headed dragon on a red field, on top a dragon's back. He wears a golden armour and his hair is silver and gold, his face, I cannot see his face. But his is not the only dragon, there are others, 5 in all, each off them fierce, but I cannot see the faces of the riders. The prince leads and army, against the dead, men and dragons alike, men from all over the Seven Kingdoms.
    The Vengeful Lion of House Lannister
    Bücher und Literatur · HungryWolf2024
  • Ismir_Atreides

    Well, if you become prince-consort or Hand of the King, these guys would be good alliances. Of course, except some dark things

    I said with a straight face, complementing him. Both he and Barristan Selmy were 2 of the most prominent members of the King's Guard I knew of, that would take part in the War of the 9 Penny Kings. I wanted to establish good relations with them, even if I had planned to use them as stepping stones.
    The Vengeful Lion of House Lannister
    Bücher und Literatur · HungryWolf2024
  • Ismir_Atreides
    Antwortet auf HungryWolf2024

    Well, Ty just needs to knock over him and use misericorde for final strike

    For now, body mass was one of my biggest disadvantages, I was already confident in being able to fight against unarmored opponents. Heavily Armored opponents were a different story. Armor left very little for someone such as myself with a hit and run style of combat, combined with a size advantage, I would be hard pressed even against an average knight twice my size in close quarters combat.
    The Vengeful Lion of House Lannister
    Bücher und Literatur · HungryWolf2024
  • Ismir_Atreides

    But you're faster, smarter, and have better reaction and skills. I would say you'll win 🏆

    Even with an increase of protein and overall calories, near 6 hours of intense training nearly each day, my physique was no where near his. I had heard from the King that when Prince Duncan saw Gerold in action with a sword in his hand, he took him as a squire immediately. However, I didn't feel threatened, it was only a matter of patients, I would overtake him in size eventually.
    The Vengeful Lion of House Lannister
    Bücher und Literatur · HungryWolf2024
  • Ismir_Atreides

    Oh no...🥲 Maybe it would be better to leave them in the old world because that make no sense to have the same people around yourself everywhere. Plus, all of them are dead. Their souls should be already reborn somewhere else

    Harry felt a pang of realization. The thought of encountering Hermione, Ron, Ginny, and others with unfamiliar appearances stirred mixed emotions within him. Yet, he understood that their souls—their core identities—would transcend physical differences.
    Orys Baratheon: The Storms Fury
    Bücher und Literatur · Vikrant_Utekar_5653
  • Ismir_Atreides

    Courage and Honor!

    "Listen to your and your fellow magisters telling of courage and honor. Courage and honor! COURAGE AND HONOR!"
    I Only Want to Enjoy Life But My Little Sister Want Me to be King
    Bücher und Literatur · Fangrove
  • Ismir_Atreides
    "You are nothing but a coward, barbarian! You fought for your so-called freedom with nothing but a cowardly move! If you fight us face-to-face, you will not win! For our army is honorable and brave!"
    I Only Want to Enjoy Life But My Little Sister Want Me to be King
    Bücher und Literatur · Fangrove
  • Ismir_Atreides
    Antwortet auf cosmicRider

    Maybe, but Daemon's marriage shows like dumbest thing, which could be. Daemon has always been loyal to Viserys

    By ensuring Daemon's lack of heirs and limiting his political support, Jaehaerys effectively neutralized any potential threat his ambitious grandson might pose in the future. It was a calculated move, born out of a desire to safeguard the realm from internal strife and to maintain the hard-won peace that had eluded Westeros for so long. In these careful maneuvers, Jaehaerys displayed not only his political acumen but also his commitment to securing the stability and unity of the realm he ruled.
    House of the Dragon: Baelon the Second
    TV · SruJan721
  • Ismir_Atreides
    Antwortet auf GoldenKing_

    Yep, so cringe motivation 😬

    By selecting Rhae Royce as Daemon's bride, Jaehaerys pursued a twofold strategy. Firstly, he chose a woman whom some maesters had speculated was barren, ensuring that Daemon would have no legitimate heirs to bolster any future claims to the throne. Without offspring to legitimize his ambitions, Daemon's potential as a threat to the established Targaryen line was significantly diminished.
    House of the Dragon: Baelon the Second
    TV · SruJan721
  • Ismir_Atreides

    In books, the second biggest was her son Laenor

    'And the headaches keep on coming,' thought Jaehaerys. The two biggest candidates for the throne were Viserys Targaryen and princess Rhaenys Tar~no Velyarion. Jaehaerys knew both of them well. He understood that Rhaenys would be a better queen and rule the kingdom well. Gender be damned! 
    House of the Dragon: Baelon the Second
    TV · SruJan721
  • Ismir_Atreides

    Too strange and too strong, AU... That looks like Jahaerys became evil Dumbledore from fanfictions

    By ensuring Daemon's lack of heirs and limiting his political support, Jaehaerys effectively neutralized any potential threat his ambitious grandson might pose in the future. It was a calculated move, born out of a desire to safeguard the realm from internal strife and to maintain the hard-won peace that had eluded Westeros for so long. In these careful maneuvers, Jaehaerys displayed not only his political acumen but also his commitment to securing the stability and unity of the realm he ruled.
    House of the Dragon: Baelon the Second
    TV · SruJan721
  • Ismir_Atreides

    How exactly they were sure that she is baren if she had a first marriage and was a virgin before marriage(nothing less would be proposed to Prince of the Realm and dragonrider)?

    By selecting Rhae Royce as Daemon's bride, Jaehaerys pursued a twofold strategy. Firstly, he chose a woman whom some maesters had speculated was barren, ensuring that Daemon would have no legitimate heirs to bolster any future claims to the throne. Without offspring to legitimize his ambitions, Daemon's potential as a threat to the established Targaryen line was significantly diminished.
    House of the Dragon: Baelon the Second
    TV · SruJan721
  • Ismir_Atreides

    That was before battle against Aegon on God's Eye, and after Trial of Seven

    Maegor, after waking from a coma from the battle, displayed his cruelty by mounting his fearsome dragon Balerion and unleashing destruction upon Rhaenys' Hill. The burning of the Sept of Remembrance served as a symbolic gesture, a stark reminder to the world that Rhaenys' line would not be spared.
    House of the Dragon: Baelon the Second
    TV · SruJan721
  • Ismir_Atreides

    Bobby B approved 👌

    Jaehaerys Targaryen, first of his name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, the Conciliator, had been king for nearly fifty years, and it was moments like these that he was most tired. He had survived much, done much, created much, and achieved much, and yet it was always his own flesh and blood that forced him into situations that made him wish to relinquish his crown and go with Vermithor to a distant land, away from it all.
    House of the Dragon: Baelon the Second
    TV · SruJan721