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His soldiers died and Many are injured. It would be unwise to give them now. Scorpians are more serious threats than the lizards . And their numbers are also more than the lizards. He can give those books later to the herb girl but not now.Because he needs more soldier to attack the Scorpian territory.
he said in dollar ....not,it's really expensive
nice ....i hope u will not disappoint me like the actual novel. good luck.
more [img=update]
I like the system more than the MC.. I hope MC dies and I replace this beta pimp shit MC.
bland line impact at all.
i want u to make his father dead author's irritating to this exact same lines in many novels.
cheezey line to make up words .....i don't know why i hate these type of lines
the whole world will become his guinea pig................ he will be collecting everyone's information. lol
so, we now have confirmed one of the main villain .