

2020-08-12 BeigetretenGlobal



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Age of Conviction

Ages ago a God descended on earth bringing the gift of magic with him... Magic infused itself with every living being on the planet, completely altering the world and it's fate. With magic at their side people succumbed to their greed, proclaiming that they are the true rulers and have no need of Deities anymore. Centuries had passed and the war still raged on... That's when The First Convicted has been born... Under the guidance of Father-Emperor and his Generals, also known as blood-keepers, people were able to strip the magic from a living being, in the process making it refuse any more of it after. They were called Convicted, believers that magic was not the only way to live the life, remembering the roots of human race. Convicted couldn't use any magic, yet at the same time were immune to its effects. A perfect weapon against inhuman powers that Gods possessed. Only two months after their victory over Gods, Convicted revolted, proclaiming that all magic was a poison that clouded humans judgment. With all their experience from previous war and unique abilities, they were winning and slowly cornering the remnants of emperor's force. September 16, 0829ABM "Aaaand... Done!" The man's mischievous smile slowly turned into triumphant grin. "Magic is life, " dark chuckle passes his lips, " and life is magic. If only thou knewest... Foolish humans never learn." ABM - After the Birth of Magic All rights on this story are reserved.

AaronGrey9 · Fantasie
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