

2020-08-02 BeigetretenGlobal

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  • Eye_Of_The_Reader
    Antwortet auf Shuayeb_Ahmed

    Think of wuxia as secular world or lower lower lower world of Xianxia

    “So, this means that I’m in the Xianxia world now? Oh! Yeah! I’m in the world where special martial arts actually exist! Hahaha! Finally, I get to live in the Xianxia world” Jin-Yang yelled out his joy and jumped around happily. He never thought that his dream would come true. He used to fantasize about it and visited all the shrines out there to pray for his dream to come true. In the end, he had a chance to be reborn in the fantasy world where fantasy special martial arts exist like what he read in the novels or saw in the movies…
    Over The World, Beyond Heaven
    Aktion · ANAJAKMHEE
  • Eye_Of_The_Reader
    Antwortet auf KenTheSlayer

    It’s a school where they teach you cheating Is “allowed”, as it’s filled with countless loop holes that smarter students can abuse.

    "Do you have the questions from your final in the first year? If you do, I want you to sell them to me"
    COTE: Hikigaya in Classroom of the Elite
    Anime und Comics · avbutt
  • Eye_Of_The_Reader
    Antwortet auf Honoured_Writer

    It’s because he found a fellow JRPG boss menace

    [Nagumo: dude, the hearing starts in 15 minutes]
    COTE: Hikigaya in Classroom of the Elite
    Anime und Comics · avbutt
  • Eye_Of_The_Reader

    I’m pretty sure he never got into chess? I remember Hikigaya mostly being a cringe normal guy who had expectations. He didn’t show any relative excellence in anything other than Japanese language subjects

    Since I spent most of my days in the library during lower and middle school, I was quite good at chess. In the library, there was a chess board, and to pass the time, I would play games with other loners. I would also watch the others play matches and figure out their strategies. After about 5 years of playing, I got pretty good. I wasn't anything crazy like a grand master, but if I were to estimate my skill level, it would be around the international master. After all, I was one of the best players in Sobu Jr High, a school known to be one of the best in the area.
    COTE: Hikigaya in Classroom of the Elite
    Anime und Comics · avbutt
  • Eye_Of_The_Reader

    There is another person…

    Ayanokouji's thoughts was extremely loud. Saiki has never met someone with too much psychological activities in a single second.
    Classroom of the Elite: Saiki Kusuo
    Anime und Comics · CountHeim
  • Eye_Of_The_Reader
    Antwortet auf Tim_QQQ

    To be fair if anyone left at all, you would have another person with 0 energy and willingness. Hirata is also fucked kinda

    'I finally met a normal person'
    Classroom of the Elite: Saiki Kusuo
    Anime und Comics · CountHeim
  • Eye_Of_The_Reader


    [I want to be friends with everyone!]
    Classroom of the Elite: Saiki Kusuo
    Anime und Comics · CountHeim
  • Eye_Of_The_Reader
    Antwortet auf Pikune

    That would be Hirata actually

    [I want to be friends with everyone!]
    Classroom of the Elite: Saiki Kusuo
    Anime und Comics · CountHeim
  • Eye_Of_The_Reader
    Antwortet auf Sol_Sinhwa

    He hasn’t been bashed like he was in the Anime yet. The development and challenge has yet to hit him meaning he’ll conform to his usual distorted views of “genuine”. Hikigaya is someone who wants something genuine due to his logic

    Ch 212 Chapter 212: Ichinose!
    COTE: Hikigaya Hachiman In The Classroom Of The Elite
    Anime und Comics · JYouyi
  • Eye_Of_The_Reader

    Ohma Zio be like: Timeline reset

    "Now what should I do… Strength wise I seem to be okay. I have access to all the Rider's powers and their final forms. I should be about top-level just in power alone but I don't want to go all out yet unless the need arises. Better to not reveal all my cards as many groups or people can overpower me when given time. This is a world where the impossible can be made possible, so it is better to hide my overall strength."
    A Rider Kick in Marvel
    Filme · Najicablitz626
  • Eye_Of_The_Reader
    Antwortet auf Helia_King

    He is fruit Jesus, nuff said.

    "Really!?" 'Am I not a regular human anymore?' thought Ace
    A Rider Kick in Marvel
    Filme · Najicablitz626
  • Eye_Of_The_Reader
    Antwortet auf Unlimited_Comic

    There’s also grammarly that could help clear up the easier mistakes

    Fate/unlimited sword system
    Anime und Comics · Unlimited_Comic
  • Eye_Of_The_Reader
    Antwortet auf Tenebris_Necros

    If you have it please drop it here

    But even so, his combat effectiveness was outstanding in the Fourth Holy Grail War, but in the opening "Battle of the Docks", Diarmuid used battlefield strategy and martial arts to successfully remove one of Saber's hands, thus sealing Saber's biggest reliance———— "Sword of Promised Victory ".
    Fate/unlimited sword system
    Anime und Comics · Unlimited_Comic
  • Eye_Of_The_Reader
    Antwortet auf RAAAHHHHH

    I never said I was dropping tho. It’s a great story, but it just didn’t fit my definition of what I defined perfect adaptation.

    A/N: I hope you guys like my idea of his aspect. I hope I have covered all of the plot holes. Hopefully. And I know some of you will be like. Why is he getting nerfed and stuff. Look he'll be way too op if he was like the original. He is already op enough. Besides if he gets immunity to everything then what will he grow with?. Anyway if you have a question. Just ask. Also send me those lovely stones of yours.
    Divine General Mahoraga in Shadow Slave
    Anime und Comics · The_oneandonly344
  • Eye_Of_The_Reader
    Antwortet auf ZeroSkillzOnline

    Han Jue is great, I have read it. It’s good because there’s like 30 realms

    Faced with the first assessment, he had to cultivate to the first stage of Dou Disciple within a month. Being a beggar by birth, he had no prestigious bloodline, and his cultivation talent could not even be described as mediocre; it was downright poor. 
    BTTH I can strengthen all things
    Anime und Comics · sakuraii
  • Eye_Of_The_Reader
    Antwortet auf Kais_Imperium

    I know, but I’m just stating a fact. It’s not perfect adaptation now

    A/N: I hope you guys like my idea of his aspect. I hope I have covered all of the plot holes. Hopefully. And I know some of you will be like. Why is he getting nerfed and stuff. Look he'll be way too op if he was like the original. He is already op enough. Besides if he gets immunity to everything then what will he grow with?. Anyway if you have a question. Just ask. Also send me those lovely stones of yours.
    Divine General Mahoraga in Shadow Slave
    Anime und Comics · The_oneandonly344
  • Eye_Of_The_Reader

    It’s not Perfect Adapation anymore its just regular old adapatability

    A/N: I hope you guys like my idea of his aspect. I hope I have covered all of the plot holes. Hopefully. And I know some of you will be like. Why is he getting nerfed and stuff. Look he'll be way too op if he was like the original. He is already op enough. Besides if he gets immunity to everything then what will he grow with?. Anyway if you have a question. Just ask. Also send me those lovely stones of yours.
    Divine General Mahoraga in Shadow Slave
    Anime und Comics · The_oneandonly344
  • Eye_Of_The_Reader
    Antwortet auf MrProne

    It does make the story really engaging if done well though. Better than a mc cultivating in a cave for 10 years and reaching the peak.

    Faced with the first assessment, he had to cultivate to the first stage of Dou Disciple within a month. Being a beggar by birth, he had no prestigious bloodline, and his cultivation talent could not even be described as mediocre; it was downright poor. 
    BTTH I can strengthen all things
    Anime und Comics · sakuraii
  • Eye_Of_The_Reader
    Antwortet auf RustyBoi

    Surtur something I think

    ... Or that time he stole Ophelia's eyepatch.
    Anime und Comics · Bleap
  • Eye_Of_The_Reader
    Antwortet auf Donedealdude

    Kabuto learned a bunch of Orochimaru’s techniques and stuff so he was treated semi good

    Kenichi was satisfied with his teacher. Orochimaru was an interesting and very dangerous person, but he was also good to his subordinates and disciples.
    Studying under Orochimaru, the Evil Scientist of Hidden Leaf Village
    Anime und Comics · ANIME_SIMPA