

2020-07-24 BeigetretenGlobal



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  • Espeonix
    Espeonix4 years ago
    Antwortet auf web34tyuiop

    Haha for now I'll just say it's a large castle and they won't exactly be seeking each other out lol. FUNNY YOU MENTION HEALING MAGIC. The answer is maybe ;) It's something I've been toying with the idea of from the beginning but haven't committed too. I was originally going to give it to her straight off the bat but decided I wanted her to have to flex her training skills a bit first without it. If she does end up with healing magic it will be much later~ I just don't want her to get too much help with her magic since she has the knowledge and skills to raise people to super human levels without that (trainer to an oympic gold medalist) Right now she can heat and cool things which is good for reducing swelling/loosening tight muscles- common physio practices. tbh I never know where this story is going I have a bunch of plot points in my head and a loose idea of what's going to happen to get to them. Though sometimes (often) the story careens off course and everything that was going to happen gets rewritten. Eg, Eden was originally not going to be a capture target but a mob that userped one of the capture target's position as aide to the prince. Eg, I'm pretty sure I shipped Eden with absolutely everyone at some point (except Briar obviously, ew) Eg, the magic people got from the goddess was supposed to reflect their previous activity (Briar would get reinforcement magic because she was an athletically minded kid and Eden got ice because elemental magic would be a reflection of a focus on psychological activity like reading and such) I changed that because Briar's all about fair sport and kind of likens reinforcement magic to cheating XD (And as shown with the capture targets- it's harder to get swole) Basically the story diverges into like six timelines here and in one of the possible ones healing magic will make a reappearance but there are serious limitations to what healing magic can do in this world (or else there'd be no use in a noble physiotherapist) Thanks as always for reading <3 I always appreciate your comments

  • Espeonix
    Espeonix4 years ago
    Antwortet auf Orthanos

    How ever did you guess XD XD XD