

2020-07-14 BeigetretenGlobal

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  • benjamin_tenyson
    benjamin_tenyson2 years ago

    I just have to drop this review since it seems lots of readers either don't know a good novel or they are just riding author's D. I picked up this novel and only read so far because I caught up with the other novels I was reading and I use this to fill the void while waiting for new updates. Lemme go into some details Look, i know his bloodline is trash, but you don't need to force sympathy from your readers by making the whole world hate MC. I'm sure not only him has a trashy talent. The way the author makes everyone obsessed with hating him is unrealistic. Even unsuccessful Nd poverty stricken people in the real world are not treated as bad as that in that every single person that sees them insult or wants to hurt them. It just makes the novel seem immature or forced. I was about to drop it till I saw that reviews for the novels weren't bad and managed to continue. People could just ignore him or let it be a few bullies at most that deliberately make it difficult for him. His parents hate him for just having a trash talent, his brother does, I'm sure his neighbors does, the author made people on the road despise him for smelling, just entering the school attracts a number of people looking at him with hate. That just feels inorganic as far as I'm concerned, Nd it's details like this that reduce the quality of a novel. Another thing is that the MC is good at everything some how. Even in games, he is still the best. He beat a pro several times after learning the game within 2 days or so. It's just unnecessary Nd makes it look cheap. In a chapter where they had a test for entering an organization, people realized that he could see the traps and then those that didn't believe him decided to walk on their own and fell into it. Not too long thereafter, I don't think it's even up to an hour before he decides to stop for some reasons unknown to them. Yet again, the author can't but add people that don't believe him and keep walking. And of course, you can guess the result. It's as if the author can't show MCs prowess without adding dumb cliche characters. It gets tiring at a point. Like, these guys just saw some people get disqualified for ignoring him and then they go right ahead to do the same. Another thing author does is that he writes as if the world starts from MCs point of view. Let me clarify what I mean. In that same test that I just talked about. Quite a number of people knew it would take more than a day to do the test. But then for some reason only MC thought of bringing food in the storage button. Even if no one knew it would take more than a day, people that have storage buttons should normally have rations such as protein bar or supplements for emergencies. It doesn't make any sense that nobody is wise among about a 1000 people. And some of these people are from influential families that should have idea about general things to know about the test. Why must the author always make everyone else stupid in order to make the MC look smart? The only excuse I'll have given for this is that getting a storage button is not easy for the populace. But it doesn't seem that way. Gustav didn't have just because of the way his family treated him. At least his brother had and they are middle class based on inference. So, I really don't see why no one else could think of bringing food. What made it worse and what I was referring to as author writing as if the world starts from MCs view is when the supervisor seemed surprised that he brought food. Are you telling us that he is the first person to bring food in all the exams that have happened? That just feels lackluster. If instead the supervisor had nodded and made a comment of him being prepared or well informed and didn't have any surprised reaction. That'll have made more sense. Anyways, I've overdone this but i just had to rant.

  • benjamin_tenyson
    benjamin_tenyson2 years ago
    Antwortet auf benjamin_tenyson

    Lol, like it could not get worse. I went back to see if I could continue just to find out that the dungeon was actually a permanent dungeon where his family can constantly farm dungeon gains unlike a dungeon that disappears once cleared.

  • benjamin_tenyson
    benjamin_tenyson2 years ago

    I wanted to read more before reviewing but I felt like letting out my complaints. I initially saw someone else in the review section complaining about the coincidences being too much in the novel and unrealistic. I for one don't really like novels that coincidences happen regularly in an unrealistic manner especially in favour of the MC. Except there's a special reason why. For instance in Shadow slave, one of MCs ability is "Fated" which causes him to find himself in either the worst or best of situations randomly. Even that isn't done in an annoying way. But, in this case here just from the beginning things are already landing in his laps. Immediately after awakening, three days later or so a dungeon opened in his house. I felt at least there'll be danger. But, no it's a slime monsters dungeon. And lo and behold the association allows keeping or selling of dungeons. He explained that If the dungeon has an outbreak, the family would be responsible if they choose to own it but that feels unnecessary because if there's an outbreak the family would likely be killed and suffer no repercussion. Nd letting people randomly keep dungeons serves as more of a risk Nd losing in the rewards of dungeons. Although the lady that told him all these was planning to use her power to seduce him to sell it off, I still find it unnecessary because generally the association should try and manage dungeons that appear within their jurisdiction better than that. Then the worst part of this is that this guy started killing the slimes off like very easily. This is someone who has been blind since 3 years old. Author made excuse of him training himself how to stab with pipes Nd spear while blind but I don't buy that. To be fair, author tried to repeatedly say the slimes were weak and slightly stronger normal humans could win but MC slaughtered all of them like it was a usual morning routine and I barely saw him struggle since he was doing everything almost perfectly. I even thought he'll at least get injured from the boss slime to reign his pride down a bit or make it seem a bit believable but no he in fact broke his limit and used mana reinforcement to win. MC didn't suffer a scratch on his first dungeon fight as a blind person who barely started "seeing" that same day through mana perception that only reaches a metre radius.

  • benjamin_tenyson
    benjamin_tenyson2 years ago
    Antwortet auf Yarakiri

    I've not read the novel yet but I hate little spoilers like that. It takes away from the experience

  • benjamin_tenyson
    benjamin_tenyson2 years ago

    This novel is one of the few I deliberately came to write a review for and out of the few, is one of those i came here to praise. There are few other readers complaining about MC not being OP like a thousand other generic MCs but this is in fact one of the best balanced MC. MC is pretty strong and in one of the top strongest in his level aside Nephis and a very very few characters introduced later on. Even those very few on his level stronger than him were done in an understandable and reasonable manner. Those were direct children of the strongest people on earth. Kids trained since they were born unlike Sunny who started at 16 or so. Even with these few strong people, it isn't done in such a way that it is hopeless to reach them and at the same time obvious that he'll have to go through a lot to surpass them. Another complaint some had is the fact that MC was in the shadow of another character, Nephis for the first volume or so. This was realistically unavoidable since it was her that literally taught him how to fight and this is not like those other novels whee MC miraculously surpass everyone who taught them in a short time. Nephis is extremely gifted herself and she is like a main character herself(She has that overpowered vibe of MCs in other novels). The only relevant issue I have with her is that her flaw isn't holding her back in anyway. Her flaw is actually something that should have been difficult to fight with but she can fight for hours without showing real side effect from her flaw unlike Sunny who is always walking on eggshell because of his flaw. Aside that, I'm pretty much enjoying every aspect of the novel and always expecting updates. The whole premise of the novel is Sunny trying to fight against Fate and what the few people complaining about his slave status don't remember is that it is very difficult to fight against Fate.

  • benjamin_tenyson
    benjamin_tenyson2 years ago

    I understand that this is meant to have some comedic feeling to it but out-rightly making G.O.D look stupid and MC care-freely insulting him makes the novel look mediocre. I know the gods are practically useless and the premise of them not being able to do anything significant albeit being called gods is laughable. But, that shouldn't warrant them being painted as fools. I'm getting hints that a lot of plots would be explained to either fit MC's situation or make MC look good such as no one else ever choosing those 3 powers that just from the description looks badass. Even if there are clauses that discouraged some due to the difficulty, there should have at least being few over-confident people that picked them in 3000 years or so as was mentioned. And then making those other powers look cheap while calling them Divine is a poor attempt.to make the MC look wise. The same way those 3 powers have potential, those other powers should too. Such as them increasing in range, time limitations, number of targets or something else. And then if some powers like telekinesis are called Divine, does it mean there are no regular people with powers and only the heros have powers?(I'm just in chapter 8 and haven't gotten info on that). Because, if Telekinesis is a divine power and it's not OP enough to carry mountains, I don't see it being all that great enough to be called Divine. Finally, i understand why limitations were set when G.O.D explained why people can't have more than 3 powers but it's not clear why they hadn't broken the rule before now. Though, it's because this is their last chance that they'll be going all out. It doesn't explain why the gods set a limit in the first place if they didn't know the limitations of the soul.

  • benjamin_tenyson
    benjamin_tenyson2 years ago

    Enjoyed this when it started but later on, it started devolving into nationalist sturvs (although where I am in it isn't as bad yet) but what started turning me off was when martial arts started coming in. I felt like this was supposed to be a sci-fi or modern advancement novel and then martial art was brought somehow in-between and tried to make it look better than ordinary genetic modification. In one hand I was getting used to gene points and now I'm suddenly hearing dantian

  • benjamin_tenyson
    benjamin_tenyson5 years ago
    Antwortet auf Tirirism

    Yeah, the world building is kinda incomplete. It feels so much like how Unordinary world doesn't feel complete. This world is far better than Unordinary's own though at least we are given the general heirachy layout as an example. That brings me to something else. I've not gone too far but the power levels between each level seems too weak. I just finished the part where they fought Truedream's top guards in other to save Peter Nd Erin. Even if Quinn's power is different, I wasn't expecting him to do well with a person on the level of personal bodyguard for the head of a top family. Then Quinn is too lousy about bring careful with secrets. Maybe he got too comfortable because the people that finds out his secrets have never betrayed him yet. I'm talking about the part when he helped Peter learn the transformation ability