

2020-07-04 BeigetretenGlobal

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  • bla_blupp
    bla_blupp3 months ago

    All chinese mc are former 3 star michelin chefs. All food is shit only his is the best. O cmon why do i try a translation when i now it will be awful and the same as any other. Translater is good just story is shit i smell it. Its prob your typical chinese mc all are the same like a factory product.

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  • bla_blupp
    bla_blupp6 months ago

    Harem is for weak man who dont now how time intensive one girlfriend is. Harem is for losers who never now love in there lives.

  • bla_blupp
    bla_bluppa year ago

    Its super bloated like really. You can cut down 70% of this fic. I dont now how people can read something like this when it was fresh just to wait for chapter karate Island 44. Writing is good fanfic is just like a Film before editing. Mc was strange i dont want to meet such a person in real life she is f crazy.

  • bla_blupp
    bla_bluppa year ago

    This is still a copy from author cloud9 meddeling giant just he cut chapters apart for more chapters. Even the chapter names are the same. Go die in a corner you parasite.

  • bla_blupp
    bla_bluppa year ago
    Antwortet auf bla_blupp

    No he does not. The author wants him to behave in such a manner. Its the only template xianxia mc has. Its Always mc Enemies are super evil because its easy for mc to go on a Killing Spree after because mc is not so evil as enemy. Its 99% of the time the same. I now you just translate i said your translation is good i just tried to save some people time. 👍

  • bla_blupp
    bla_bluppa year ago

    Meh meh i go with flow i have no personality im the mc i do what im told. Mc is a robot a blank paper nothing interesting about him(but has all hakis btw.) Writing is good but why is only the mc soo boring i cant understand? Fights are good some chars arent canon but they are not badly written!!! Why is only the mc soo shit?

  • bla_blupp
    bla_bluppa year ago

    Translation is super. Mc is just your typical arrogant hypocritical mc xianxia style. I for one cant root for such an mc but thats just my opinion alone. This is just warning for people that dont like that so they can save time.

  • bla_blupp
    bla_bluppa year ago

    Translation is okay. Its just your typical chinese humor that destroys every goddamm chapter. Beginning is good but later chapers are suuper longwinded. Mc is soo funnny haha insider humor in a bloody battle not really a good time for that makes the battles not good to read. Battles are not funny in azeroth they should be grim or epic man. I only gibe positve for translation rest is garbage.

  • bla_blupp
    bla_bluppa year ago

    I stoppt at that chapter where he got stabbed. Sofar its just a canon rehash. Mc is op but he got of course wounded for plot sake. Its wonderfull writen but i can watch the films or read comics if i wanna read about cannon. Author said he will deviate from canon but have a few things stay the same. I for one dont like reading fanfiction where much stays the same, why read it if barly anything changes. Just why i like fanfics not that its bad or anything. Its a really good fanfic meaty chapters wonderful character interactions. Mc is not a blank character filled with power. He is perfectly written. Just not something i wanna read. I would love to read more but if he gets one time disabled for plot sake why not a second time or a third? Dont wanna waste my time reading meaty chapters just to get a fist in my nuts again.

  • bla_blupp
    bla_bluppa year ago

    Ohhh hahahahhaa soooo funny ass and viagra jokes soooo funny hhhaaaaaaahahahahahhaa. Just stop writing comedy please its not really funny. Im not 11 anymore mabe thats why. I now its a translation but i cant read more. Rest is all good you can just ignore the "jokes" and its a good start. Good translation so far. But its not for me. The jokes seems chinese not shure but all translation that i read from china have the same "humor".