


Yahallo! I'm Shionokami and I love everything that has to do with Japanese culture! Want to talk or pose any questions? Then follow me on Instagram, my user name is: shionookami

2020-06-03 BeigetretenGlobal



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  • Shionokami
    Shionokami3 years ago
    Antwortet auf notsoommmot

    Hello, hello there, my friend! It is I...Shionokami! Here to answer your question! (4 months later...I'm so sorry about it!!!) First of all, it sure makes me happy to hear, that you enjoy the novel I'm writing =D Now, to answer your question, no, I haven't dropped it and currently, I don't plan on doing something like that either (unless something beyond my control, changes that) I've just been re-editing the chapters (from the very first to the most recent one, but I left a notice on the novel's summary) just to ret-con a few things and make the story, as a whole, better! But unfortunately, when I stared re-editing (which was around July or August, if my memory does not fail me) my computer had given up on life and so, I had to edit on my phone (which isn't my favorite type of device to do such a thing) there were also a few other things, but I won't go into details... However, now I have a new computer and I have been working on this re-editing, once again! But you'll have to be patient, since there's still a lot of things to finish up (and I do advice you to re-read it all again, once it's done! The chapters will be bigger and there will be a lot of new events happening!) but then again, I'll be providing a small note, with all changes! And I think this pretty much covers it up! It will take some time to finish up, so please little bit of patience and once again, I'm sorry for the (extremely) late reply!

  • Shionokami
    Shionokami4 years ago
    Antwortet auf dokthor_shishigami

    Thanks! =) I'm already feeling a lot better, but I still can't play any games, so that will have to wait for now XD

  • Shionokami
    Shionokami4 years ago
    Antwortet auf ImmortalDragonArch

    Well, I never said that they were in Japan, now did I? XD But well, maybe I should have said where they were, right from the begining. Yeah, I kinda goofed up... I'm sorry about this one.

    Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
  • Shionokami
    Shionokami4 years ago
    Antwortet auf Wolfgirl1215

    Thanks ^^ I'm happy that you liked it!

  • Shionokami
    Shionokami4 years ago

    I don't usually read a lot of stories about vampires, but from the few I have read (this one included) I have to admit that this one has been the best of them all! With that said, onto the review proper, first the characters, their just *chef's kiss* perfect! They have all personalities and all of them feel different and unique, something you don't see too often, too be honest and that is always welcome! Secondly I can't talk about the characters without talking about the extremely beautiful and well done writing! I was honestly, blown away by the way everything is discribed and especially by how artistacly everything is described! All in all, loved the characters and loved the beautiful writing style that pull you in almost instantly, the moment you start the first chapter! Definitely gonna keep an eye on this one, that's for sure!

  • Shionokami
    Shionokami4 years ago
    Antwortet auf GhostBlade_2357

    A bit hard to point them out, so I advice you to use the grammarly website, you can go there and make an account, then copy and paste the chapter there and it will tell you the mistakes you made, it's pretty easy to use too ^^

  • Shionokami
    Shionokami4 years ago
    Antwortet auf GhostBlade_2357

    I already gave it a look It's pretty good, so far ^^ There's a few mistakes here and there, but it's not that bad and you can change it later on and you should try edit it a bit, so it flows a little bit better ^^ But as I said, take your time with it and keep up the good work!

  • Shionokami
    Shionokami4 years ago
    Antwortet auf GhostBlade_2357

    Good ^^ Can't wait to hava a look =)

  • Shionokami
    Shionokami4 years ago
    Antwortet auf GhostBlade_2357

    Kind of hard to explain, but most of the names I come up with for the charaters, have to either sound good, when I say them out loud and I also have to like the meaning behind them and I think that pretty much covers it, when it comes to the way I come up/choose names ^^

  • Shionokami
    Shionokami4 years ago
    Antwortet auf GhostBlade_2357

    I see, I see good luck with it, my friend ^^ And if you need help feel free to ask =)


Warning and please read this, before you go any further! Hello, hello there everyone! My name is Shionokami and what I'm about to say/write here is both for the people who have read endbringer before and new readers, so please give me a few minutes of your attention and time. So, for the past few months, there hasn't been any endbringer chapters, however, that does not mean that I have given up on writing this story or anything. To make things short, a lot of things happened and I decided to do some editing/ret-conning things in the story, all to make it more enjoyable for everybody! But things haven't been going as planned and I might take longer to be back with more chapters. That is why, I'll probably put this on hiatus/pause this time around and for the time being, I'll do my utmost, to bring more endbringer to you all. Now, for everyone, who has been supporting this, even with a lack of content both here and on Twitter/discord...thank you, very, very much! I'll never forget it and for everyone, who is about to jump in on this story, I hope that enjoy it and stick around for more! Now, once I come back, I'll make sure to give out warning, do not worry about it! See you all soon and I hope, that you have great day! Shionokami, out! 40 years ago, our world believed that magic was merely fiction, and nothing more. But that all changed when it was revealed that magic truly does exist to the public. To that end, a place was created, a place where magic can be studied and taught. And that place is Takamagahara Island, the home of Kurokami Tatsurou, a young man who just wants to live his days in peace. That is until he has a fateful encounter one day, an encounter that would change not only his life but the entire world ... Hello there, Shionokami here! This story was heavily inspired by various anime and light novels, I have watched/read along the years! The story is a (true) harem with romance and action, that will be balanced with cute and funny moments between the characters being the norm and action packed fights also taking place! The chapter length of each chapter hovers between 3500 and 4000 words (good for long chapter lovers!) If that sounds right up your alley, give it a read! And hey, want to talk about it or just talk about anime and whatnot? Then, you can follow me on twitter, @shionokami Cover image is merely illustrative, props go to the artist that made it (yes it's Shiina Yuika, and yes, I'm a nijisanji fan)

Shionokami · Fantasy
78 Chs