


Uh, who cares

2020-05-16 BeigetretenGlobal

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  • Demonmaster
    Antwortet auf NotOnTheApp

    It depends on your preference, but it felt like a regular Chinese novel. If you like it, you like it, but if you hate it then nobody can get you to keep reading. Read the first 10-20 chapters then decide. I gave it up for other novels like the legendary mechanic.

    My Space-Time System
    Fantasie · xImpulse
  • Demonmaster
    Antwortet auf Demonmaster

    I was writing on an another novel. Just ignore this.

    Ch 200 Escape [2].
    Ocean Master
    Fantasie · GREAT
  • Demonmaster
    Antwortet auf kentaro_iring

    Not all of them. Some were forced to add nationalism, but yeah a lot of them are puppets to the government since they need to earn money.

    Zero To Hero In The Martial Arts Library
    Ost · Wood Easily Starts Fires
  • Demonmaster

    I highly recommend this Harry Potter fan fiction, usually most fan fictions are ruined or dumb, but this wasn’t and is quite nice. Writing quality 5/5. Almost no mistakes, and if there is it’s just a minor one. Character design 5/5. An original character (reincarnated) who is smart, wise, strong, and loves to learn and travel. Also the main character read the Harry Potter books and knows a lot of information that will happen, but he usually doesn’t want to interact with or change Harry Potter and his friends. Story development 5/5. It introduces Harry Potter stuff midway through but it’s only a little focused on that. Most of the story development has nothing to do with the original Harry Potter and is usually focused on magic instead, and that is more interesting to me. World background 5/5. One of main reason I love this fan fiction so greatly The main character loves to travel the world, and because of this a lot of world background is different from the original Harry Potter, though most of the Hogwarts stay the same, some new things are added. This introduces new elements and perspective compared to the original Harry Potter series. Less time is spent on explaining or interacting in Hogwarts because of this, but still there quite the sum of chapters on Hogwarts. Stability of Updates 5/5. There is usually one chapter a day and to me that’s good enough (even though I want more). Overall great fan fiction and highly recommended 5/5.

    HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]
    Bücher und Literatur · FictionOnlyReader
  • Demonmaster
    Antwortet auf IsaacF

    Uh pretty sure many people did, but web novel did this on purpose to avoid copy write so why would they shoot themselves on the foot by fixing it.

    Reincarnated as a Red Dragon, Discipline Makes Me Stronger!
    Urban · Seventh Face of Magic
  • Demonmaster

    I really don’t understand why synopsis is different from the story. I mean the system is almost never used expect for the beginning. I would have liked a story with the synopsis to be honest. I mean the story is kinda weird especially the start which made no sense. The world background is the best so far and is actually somewhat fleshed out. Character design I really think it’s just average. The story development is also average. Translation quality uh average for web novel. Updates likely same as other picked stories of two a day which is good.

    Reincarnated as a Red Dragon, Discipline Makes Me Stronger!
    Urban · Seventh Face of Magic
  • Demonmaster
    Antwortet auf MrColt

    I somewhat agree with you, but giving a 1 star review just because the main character is not ruthless does seem a little overboard. I mean if you read Harry Potter, I don’t think the characters there are ruthless, so why would this person give a 1 star review on a Harry Potter fan fiction? It’s just weird and somewhat surprising. Though, at least this person gave a review rather than just random stuff and putting a 1 star like most reviews nowadays... 😔

    Harry Potter: Dimensional Wizard
    Bücher und Literatur · LazySageDao
  • Demonmaster
    Antwortet auf sari_saarinen

    So, what about the world building and other stuff, other than the MC not being ruthless?

    Harry Potter: Dimensional Wizard
    Bücher und Literatur · LazySageDao
  • Demonmaster
    Antwortet auf ltsArcane

    🤔 Well just upload stuff to Amazon. This website won’t be able to do anything. Unless China doesn’t allow it then idk.

    Reincarnated as a Red Dragon, Discipline Makes Me Stronger!
    Urban · Seventh Face of Magic
  • Demonmaster

    Can someone tell me who translated this because this translator will be on my blacklist (making one right now just for this translator) at number 1 worst translator. Anyways the story is below average with some missing info (not sure if it’s the translator), characters are just there to say how good the mc is, translation is garbage, character design is not what I like, and this only thing that’s good is the world background, which is also just average in my opinion. Well actually the updates are always on time so far. Overall a 1.5, but it would be a 2.5 with a different translator.

    Maxed Out My Passive Skill Due to My Laziness
    Spiele · No Transmigration
  • Demonmaster
    Antwortet auf FNU_LNU

    It seems that web novel maxed out their laziness. 😂 Like really at this point I rather just read the mtl which I will right now.

    Maxed Out My Passive Skill Due to My Laziness
    Spiele · No Transmigration
  • Demonmaster
    Antwortet auf UndeadBeing

    No problem I have the same problem, the only reason I actually kept reading until it got good was because I had nothing else to do. Well I hope you find this novel go from 1 star to at least a 3 for an average good read. There’s so much novels in the top 100 that do not deserve to be there, I don’t really trust the rating system for this site as well.

    Cultivation! My Augmented Statuses Have Unlimited Duration
    Ost · Turtle Shell and Hemp Rope
  • Demonmaster
    Antwortet auf UndeadBeing

    I agree with what you said, but after I’m not sure which chapter the writing changes, and the novel just changes from a 1.5 stars for me into a 5 stars. It was like this novel was written by two different people, the MC becomes smarter and looks for pills actively, sees risks and benefits (not always though sometimes he is brain dead and helped by plot armor a lot), and actually plans for the future. So, I agree at the start it horrible, but gets better, though it takes a while.

    Cultivation! My Augmented Statuses Have Unlimited Duration
    Ost · Turtle Shell and Hemp Rope
  • Demonmaster
    Antwortet auf FloralRealm


    Cultivation! My Augmented Statuses Have Unlimited Duration
    Ost · Turtle Shell and Hemp Rope
  • Demonmaster

    Great novel, though it has a rough start, which almost made me leave the novel. But thankfully I read a more and realized how great this novel is, for me at least. First world building seems like a typically immortal cultivation novel at the beginning, but it has some plot twists, though I won’t say what it is. I also like cultivation novel worlds so I love this. Character design is somewhat strange at the beginning and still somewhat strange even in its latter chapters, but to me it’s good enough. The character has plot armor, but it makes the plot better, for me at least. The side characters are not that bad, and they have their own stories and roles, which I also personally enjoy. Translation quality was a bit rough at the start, but later became way better, at least better than most translated novels by in this site. Updates well so far two chapters a day and most chapters are quite large for a novel on this site. Though I hope it doesn’t get removed like some other novels on this site. Anyways the beginning is rough, and a bit similar to some other novel I won’t mention because so many others mentioned it, but after you get through the beginning it’s a great novel would definitely recommend.

    Cultivation! My Augmented Statuses Have Unlimited Duration
    Ost · Turtle Shell and Hemp Rope
  • Demonmaster
    Antwortet auf ltsArcane

    What if the author stopped making chapters. That would punch webnovel in the guts.

    Reincarnated as a Red Dragon, Discipline Makes Me Stronger!
    Urban · Seventh Face of Magic
  • Demonmaster
    Antwortet auf Kakeru

    Thats kinda BS. I’m also guessing the author would never about this, and if he does, will he have the rights of copyright? I mean it’s China. 😥

    Reincarnated as a Red Dragon, Discipline Makes Me Stronger!
    Urban · Seventh Face of Magic
  • Demonmaster
    Antwortet auf ltsArcane

    Thats kinda BS. I’m also guessing the author would never about this, and if he does, will he have the rights of copyright? I mean it’s China. 😥

    Reincarnated as a Red Dragon, Discipline Makes Me Stronger!
    Urban · Seventh Face of Magic
  • Demonmaster
    Antwortet auf MikeN

    Lol when you mention that, it’s kinda true. Just look at all the click-baits on YouTube it’s sad.

    Reincarnated as a Red Dragon, Discipline Makes Me Stronger!
    Urban · Seventh Face of Magic
  • Demonmaster

    Well I’m guessing it wouldn’t really matter just going by the name of this chapter Abe is just going to lock this guy up the end.

    Ch 1203 Imprisonment
    Abe the Wizard
    Fantasie · The Mass of Eating Melon Seeds