


Hi 😊 👋👋 This account might not have an owner in the future... Escapism is a false paradise but also a painkiller to some extent. Just don't take an overdose...

2020-05-17 BeigetretenGlobal



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  • FryingDragoon

    Why did I immediately think that Yu Miao is seducing all four of the brothers? 😅😅😅

    "Yu Su, how can you speak to Miaomiao like that?" Yu Su's second brother and manager, Yu Hong, happened to be walking up the stairs. When he heard the conversation between the two of them, he immediately walked over quickly and shielded Yu Miao behind him.
    Reincarnated! My Parents and Brothers Beg for My Forgiveness
    Urban · Mountain Springs
  • FryingDragoon

    Makes me wonder where all these kidnappers were when I was kid.

    Even when she and Yu Miao were kidnapped by the kidnappers, they did not hesitate to choose Yu Miao and push their biological daughter into the sea.
    Reincarnated! My Parents and Brothers Beg for My Forgiveness
    Urban · Mountain Springs
  • FryingDragoon
    She thought that she could be with her family from now on, but her parents and brothers felt that she was narrow-minded, selfish, and unpresentable since she grew up in an orphanage.
    Reincarnated! My Parents and Brothers Beg for My Forgiveness
    Urban · Mountain Springs
  • FryingDragoon

    Was the fourth brother kidnapped as well?

    Perhaps it was because she was blessed but was not destined to live long. When she was four years old, she went out with her fourth brother and was kidnapped by human traffickers.
    Reincarnated! My Parents and Brothers Beg for My Forgiveness
    Urban · Mountain Springs
  • FryingDragoon

    I can already see the infatuated older brothers who will intimidate any eligible bachelors.

    Yu Su was originally the youngest daughter of the Yu family. She had four older brothers before her, so the old couple of the Yu family doted on this daughter very much.
    Reincarnated! My Parents and Brothers Beg for My Forgiveness
    Urban · Mountain Springs
  • FryingDragoon

    The MC's (Ethan's) character is very relatable and understandable. His character development and the depiction of the ruined world around him is very accurate and vivid, thanks to author-san's outstanding writing abilities. The narrations are not oppressive at all when I'm reading. I find myself enthused by the imagery and the flowing storyline. The necessary dialogues also helps to build the narrative and they don't feel unnecessarily squeezed in at all. There have been zero errors in writing, as far as I've read, which is rare to find these days. Conclusively, I do believe that this story has tons of potential, which makes it a hidden gem in every way. It is highly recommended to lovers of apocalyptic settings or weak-to-strong protagonists.

    Horror: Sanctuary Compromised — a Zombie Apocalypse Tale
    Horror · Darkodia
  • FryingDragoon

    I can feel agrophobic feelings already kicking in on my side.

    With a deep breath to steel himself against the uncertainty that lay ahead, Ethan locked the door behind him. The metal key turned with a finality that seemed to echo in the emptiness of the hallway. Slowly, he descended the stairs and emerged into the dim light of early evening. The sun had dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows that stretched out before him like dark fingers grasping for stability in an unstable world.
    Horror: Sanctuary Compromised — a Zombie Apocalypse Tale
    Horror · Darkodia
  • FryingDragoon

    'What he could lose' A.K.A his life 😅

    Before stepping out, Ethan took one final look at his apartment. His eyes swept over the workstation, the kitchenette, and the silent row of succulents. The man who walked out that door felt unlike the same one who had hidden behind its security. The walls remained, but their purpose had now shifted. They were no longer barriers that shielded him from the world; they were now reminders of what he could lose — and what he could gain — by stepping beyond them.
    Horror: Sanctuary Compromised — a Zombie Apocalypse Tale
    Horror · Darkodia
  • FryingDragoon

    How do instant noodles taste with peanut butter?

    Ethan walked briskly to his kitchenette. He reached into cupboards and drawers, gathering what little food and supplies he had left — several cans of beans, a jar of peanut butter, some packets of instant noodles, and a bag of trail mix. A quick survey of the fridge added a few bottles of water and some perishable items he knew wouldn't last long. All of it went into his backpack, along with a first aid kit from the bathroom and a flashlight from the utility drawer. He also grabbed his most recent tech gadget, a portable phone charger, before zipping the backpack shut.
    Horror: Sanctuary Compromised — a Zombie Apocalypse Tale
    Horror · Darkodia
  • FryingDragoon

    I'm really curious how a 3-year-long shut-in who actually exercises looks like. (Probably healthier than me who can't do a single push-up)

    That thought acted as a catalyst, breaking the inertia that had gripped him. With a newfound resolve, Ethan turned back to his computer. He minimized the lines of code, opening a new browser window to search for the quickest route to Jane's apartment. Even as he did, he realized there was something else he needed to do first — prepare.
    Horror: Sanctuary Compromised — a Zombie Apocalypse Tale
    Horror · Darkodia
  • FryingDragoon

    I know next to nothing about coding but... How about creating a robot to protect himself, or at least a weapon(tho supplies should be very little, I guess).

    For a moment, he felt paralyzed, caught in an internal stalemate. His meticulous nature demanded a plan, a clear path of action backed by logic and data. Yet, the situation defied such clarity. It was as if the lines of code that had so long governed his world had been scrambled into an incomprehensible jumble.
    Horror: Sanctuary Compromised — a Zombie Apocalypse Tale
    Horror · Darkodia
  • FryingDragoon

    My introverted self: Time to sleep until this bullshit dies down.

    His gaze shifted to his dual monitors, the lines of code now meaningless, their symmetrical beauty overshadowed by a world suddenly steeped in chaos. The second screen still displayed the news, the anchor now replaced by images of military vehicles patrolling the streets.
    Horror: Sanctuary Compromised — a Zombie Apocalypse Tale
    Horror · Darkodia
  • FryingDragoon

    Ethan should probably leave a message so that she can get back to him soon.

    "Hey, you've reached Jane. Sorry, I missed your call. Leave a message, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can."
    Horror: Sanctuary Compromised — a Zombie Apocalypse Tale
    Horror · Darkodia
  • FryingDragoon

    I think Jane is either actually dead or will be assumed dead until she makes a sudden reappearance??

    "Wait, hold on a second, Ethan. Something's going on. I have to — " Her voice cut off abruptly, replaced by static and then, terrifyingly, silence. The call had disconnected.
    Horror: Sanctuary Compromised — a Zombie Apocalypse Tale
    Horror · Darkodia
  • FryingDragoon

    For me, if the world really was going insane(lol that happened thousands of years ago already, but I'm speaking 'insane' in the 'everyone anywhere is dying' sense), I would find it more reason to hide behind walls.

    "No, it doesn't," Ethan conceded, his voice softening. "I just... Look, the world's going insane, and I thought, for once, that I shouldn't keep hiding behind these walls — literal or otherwise. I'm sorry, Jane."
    Horror: Sanctuary Compromised — a Zombie Apocalypse Tale
    Horror · Darkodia
  • FryingDragoon

    That was a perfect depiction of an introvert's mind when socializing.

    Ethan gripped the phone tighter, his meticulously ordered world already crumbling under the weight of reality, and now this. "I understand that I messed up, Jane. I never meant to hurt you."
    Horror: Sanctuary Compromised — a Zombie Apocalypse Tale
    Horror · Darkodia
  • FryingDragoon

    That's what they all said about Covvid...

    Jane's voice hardened, laced with incredulity. "Concerned? Now you're concerned? Three years, Ethan. Three years without a word, and now you call because of some virus scare?"
    Horror: Sanctuary Compromised — a Zombie Apocalypse Tale
    Horror · Darkodia
  • FryingDragoon

    This is why we introverts don't like phone calls or video calls. Answering phone calls is outside of our comfort zone.

    For a moment, Ethan hesitated. Then, with a movement almost foreign to him, he reached for his phone and scrolled through the contacts list until he found her name. Jane Parker. His younger sister. His thumb hovered over the call button. A press, a connection, and a disconnection from the world he had so carefully constructed. He pressed the button.
    Horror: Sanctuary Compromised — a Zombie Apocalypse Tale
    Horror · Darkodia
  • FryingDragoon

    I better start saving then. To become a full-time shut-in in the event of a future apocalypse.

    Ethan's eyes flicked again to his kitchenette. Three months ago, he had ordered enough supplies to seemingly last a lifetime of social distancing. But now, the shelves seemed dismally empty. The longevity of canned goods and non-perishables mocked him with their absence. He had planned for many things, but not for an apocalypse.
    Horror: Sanctuary Compromised — a Zombie Apocalypse Tale
    Horror · Darkodia
  • FryingDragoon

    Those fragile walls sound like my mental health.

    His eyes darted to the windows, veiled by thick curtains that separated him from the outside world. For years, those walls had shielded him from the chaos and unpredictability of life. Now, they seemed more like paper than stone, fragile barriers that could collapse under the weight of a reality he'd long ignored.
    Horror: Sanctuary Compromised — a Zombie Apocalypse Tale
    Horror · Darkodia