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any particular reason?
ensures advancement!
nay after his dad died bro fell into deep depression he even went into a killing frenzy as he took missions to vent his emotions its even in the anime
your saying this bullshit as though they actually died you got reincarnated that means the concept of a soul exists you just killed thier bodies thier souls are living on somewhere
you literally have a book that can change events that are apart of the plot
on average a million people consume 9 million mhw in a day if you divide that if you divide that by 24(represents the hours in a day) you get 37500 mhw if you then further divide how much an hour gives by 60(represents minutes in an hour) we get 625 mhw seeing as a single megawhat can power about 816 regular us home for about an hour and that this energy core is about as big or smaller than a hand this is impressive but the author is wrong it cant only power a million homes for 10 minutes but power 5 million and ten thousand homes for 10 minutes very very amazing
yeah but if he can only do like 6 hours a day its a different story