

2020-05-10 BeigetretenGlobal

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  • Artem_Treya day ago

    you know what fuck it i'm done , i barely understand wtf i'm reading and honestly its not fun. Its a mf novel its supposed to be entertaining, instead it feels like i'm working a 9 to 5. Also wtf are insect masters so far all he's done is just contracted a termite queen. Are they going to be OP eventually? For fightinh, for scouting wtf are they even for? And whats teh mf point of labor points. He never fucking uses them. You'd think he'd upgrade his chopping skill at least. Or his insect detection skill or the insect control skill. Which also begs the question why the fuck are you buying a insect book for insect control when you have the fucking skill insect control? Nothing about this shit makes sense. And before someone tells me the labor points are only for farming, shut up, i will smack you. He gains it when he practices chopping skill which is part of teh martial occupation so wtf? And yes i remember he said he was saving them but my question still stands, for what? And what actually triggers getting an occupation, he got insect master thru a contract, teh martial bit everyone has, but farminf was just random, just because he farms, so why didnt he get one for hunting? But the one that really grinds me is the insect master bit, it just feels like you're playin house. I undertand martial arts, immortal cultivation, gu cultivation, beast taming, I DO NOT FUCKING UNDERSTAND insect cultivation, especially when they're just normal mf insects that literally almost got killed off by a mf centipede. IT just feels so mf forced, it might payoff later on but your setup is shit. Wtf am i supposed to look forward to when all i see is bugs, bugs i'm not even scared of. I compare this shit with "Two Realms Shuttle Gate: Don't Call Me a Demon!" and it doesnt match, the other story has actual demon insects explained from the very begining, I know what to expect all teh rules are set up before hand. I know what to look forward to, i know his demon insect is both creepy and scary af, and now insanely strong. I know he has otehr insects for a myriad of things including recon and surveillance. Then i come back to this story with the insect master bullshit and ask myself, are they gonna get bigger? How big? How strong? Are they ever gonna be useful? Are tehy gonna fly? Plus you literally said only poor people are insects masters, the rest, proper beast tamers. And idfk what to do with that info coz it tells me nothing about the actual mf profession other than its mf weak. Author go play "Empire of the Ants" and get a fucking clue. Or at least watch naruto, and just so we're clear the Aburame Clan's insects were not mf normal. FUCK And finally to that one know it all dude who always feels the need to comment and tell me "chill out, its just a book" shut the fuck up, i already quit.

  • Artem_Treya day ago

    bro be giving backstories just to buy low ranked cultivation techniques. I get you want to fill up the word count but fuck me, this kinda filler might as well be info dump. I get introducing stuff like the armor and other things but goodness man, stop dragging this shit out, it hit after i got to chapter 30 that for the past 5 fucking chapters its just been about hiim trying to buy two things, just two. MF just buy and leave. ITs kinda like going shopping with your gf, i hate it and i hate this. ITs really not important. BUY AND MF LEAVE.

  • Artem_Trey2 days ago

    Also the MC keeps hinting at new avenues of getting work as a martial artist coz he somehow looks down on hunting but he NEVER EVER mentions even one. Nigga says hunting isnt a long term solution yet he's still out here hunting. Bro wtf? If i at least knew wtf it was you were gonna become i would be able to look forward to it. But i cant even do that coz i dont fuckign know. Except for this one bit where he's scheming to get an official position i think, but then i wonder, do you need to be a martial artist to become a government official? The story just feeels forced in the sense that, the outrage of grandfather reincarnation aside, everything else is just so random, and pointless. When he first got meoney from the boars i was excited to see what he was gonna do. Then nothing, just cultivate. Then he sold teh ginseng. Figured he'd do some investments, or something with it, he finally had the capital. And dont ask me what? idfk, its not my book. I just expected something new to happen, after a change in finacials occured. The only thing that changed was "sons cultivate" and more meat. Now he got the reward and i dont even care anymore. HE might build a bigger house, then what? "cultivate"?

  • Artem_Trey2 days ago

    you know i found out early on that it has no overt golden finger and i figured it'd be intersting. But goodness its boring and now the author is starting to throw in some politics and scheming, its even worse. And with the MC whining every chapter about his age, is really not helping. I literally read a slice of life based on 1970s china and it was fucking amazing. No martial arts or anything, the protagonist was female and she only had like a personal space the size of a 20 sqm room, as a golden finger otherwise everything else was normal. Akin to the real world. 400 chapters and i relished every mf chapter, there was spelling mistakes occasional grammar errors but i overlooked it all coz of how amazing the story was. Compare that to a grown ass man whining, occasionally doing something cool then just goung back to being mediocre. Then i check how many chapters i've read and i'm like fuck me. Its like its not even moving. The character development, character definition, character anything is just non existent. Also i still dont get his golden finger. I read that bit of him describing it like 5 times and it neither explained wtf it was where it was or how the fuck teh water passed thru his fingers intoa bowl. IS the rock real, in his subconscious, in his mind, where teh fuck is it? Good ness gracious

  • Artem_Trey2 days ago

    what is wrong with this guy and his definition of age with relation to school. A 13 year old is still in elementary school. A 16 year old is still in middle school , what is wrong with this dude? Korea is the only place where kids graduate high school at 19 and thats only because they count ages from birth, as in your 1 year old on the day you're born as opposed to how everyone else counts.