

2020-05-10 BeigetretenUnited States

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  • SundanceKid
    SundanceKida year ago

    This chapter was a bit awkward, this isn't something Theo would normally do. He's spent farrrr to little time with Elise to actually go for her, especially since he's never really the initial proactive ones in all his relationships.

  • SundanceKid
    SundanceKida year ago

    It's getting hard to root for Asher at this point.

  • SundanceKid
    SundanceKida year ago
    Antwortet auf Resurgent

    Ehhh I see your point but I still think this whole dangerous smirky edgy attitude he throws around to keep people away when he's feeling vulnerable is to get negative attention, which I personally find edgelord, but instead of hoping for positive attention and looking cool he's looking for negative attention and to be scary. It's not something so negative where I'll stop reading or anything, just something I'm not fond of, so we can agree to disagree 😉

  • SundanceKid
    SundanceKida year ago

    I hate this edgelord side of him, I much prefer him when he's cunning and brutal with a hint of normal emotion mixed in. These last few chapters he's trying way too hard to be edgy and it's a little too cringe.

  • SundanceKid
    SundanceKida year ago

    That was so random. Hope he doesn't stay weakened too long, he's still so far away from being close in power to all his enemies, he's just been living on plot armor to not be killed yet.

  • SundanceKid
    SundanceKida year ago

    I really enjoy your writing most of the time, but I'm finding it really hard to care what happens to either side in this arc. The problem is, why should I care? Both sides don't have anyone the reader cares about other than Rowena now, and in the end she really isn't someone we care about that much yet, she's just someone who hasn't really shown she has a personality other than doing her queen duties. Asher is too weak and is just skulking around so I'm just kinda skimming through waiting for him to come back, because so far he and his maid are the only two people that as a reader I care about so far. I know this is a book about demons and so on, but one thing I loved about your other two novels is I really liked all the characters and I was truly invested in what happens next with the majority of them, I hope you can bring some of that back to this novel, because so far Asher is all that really matters and he's a weak ant in the grand scheme of things at the moment.

  • SundanceKid
    SundanceKida year ago

    She said she wanted to go back to see her mother, but her mother is dead as revealed in later chapters (3rd time reading this). I never noticed this discrepancy until now.

  • SundanceKid
    SundanceKida year ago

    These overreactions from the MC are really stupid and make him seem like an absolute moron. please stop doing it author.

  • SundanceKid
    SundanceKid2 years ago
    Antwortet auf Jacob_VanSickle

    Very true, I think Elyon is one of the best authors on here, not only is his writing great he also actually finishes his work instead of letting his novels rot away while starting a different one, which is way too common these days and sours me to actually use coins on most authors.

  • SundanceKid
    SundanceKid2 years ago

    I really hope Asiva hasn't been raped, cucking the MC and raping the FMC is a no go for me.