



2020-04-27 BeigetretenUnited States



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  • lightace19
    Antwortet auf Daoisty4IyMt


    The young girl laid on her back and looked up at the sky. The snow that was falling had become even heavier. She stared blankly up at the cloudy sky with her pitch-black eyes growing dull. A single snowflake fluttered down and landed on her nose. Her already purple lips slowly parted: "It seems humans are nothing but demons in disguise… If I am ever to be reborn, then I would rather be a fucking bug than a human."
    Reborn As A Dragon Girl With A System
    Fantasie · invayne
  • lightace19

    I'm just going to call this whole process magic and not fret

    After continually hitting the hot steel, it already had the curved shape, the tang, and the back side of the blade. Then I used a fullering tool to draw the groove and the ridge.
    Reincarnated as a Son of the Sword Saint and the Sage
    Fantasie · Jrmb_Eleven
  • lightace19

    I myself am a blacksmith I focus mostly on armor but can do blade work as well it would take me a week to make a basic katana and a month to do anything ornate thought I prefer European blades and armor personally

    She pouted as she heard that I could not make her one within this day. I can make one using Alchemy, but the sharpness and durability are not like the real deal. I have to continually hit the hot steel to achieve the ideal quality.
    Reincarnated as a Son of the Sword Saint and the Sage
    Fantasie · Jrmb_Eleven
  • lightace19
    Antwortet auf Ketsueki_Hasu

    didn't one of the movies have plat armor besides I meant it as a reply towards one of the comments click the wrong thing and sent it everybody laughed myself silly PS love your work

    Kakashi looked at the bow on my back, and after sighing I offered it to him. He nodded when he felt its weight, before attempting to draw it back. I could see him straining slightly. Eventually he handed the bow back to me, muttering "Monster" under his breath, which I chose to ignore. After all, I do have a few seals engraved on the top and bottom of the bow. I don't fully understand how they work, but the thing has been in my family for awhile. Apparently it was a wedding gift to one of my grandparents, or maybe their parents, from an Uzumaki sealmaster. All I know is that someone who I am distantly related to managed to befriend some really important person, who gave them this bow. The thing is light, but the draw weight... is absurd. It took me a decade to eventually be able to use the thing consistently. I was determined to use the damn thing, cause a normal longbow already offers a lot of range and power, but this thing? I've killed someone from around a thousand feet. Course the arrow was loaded to the brim with explosive tags...
    A Kunoichi's Tale: Naruto Fanfiction
    Anime und Comics · Ketsueki_Hasu
  • lightace19

    just out of curiosity when did they take the test to become full jonin they were special jonin and now they're not maybe a flashback to the tests or reminiscing or did I just miss it

    Turning towards me, Tsunade frowned, walking with me as I continued to make my way through Konoha's streets, going to place orders at various stalls for the things we needed for the summer; food, materials, necessities, the list was long and expensive, but thanks to Kurenai, Anko and I being certified Jonin, Cameia being known as a Jonin level Shinobi, and the knowledge that Tsunade was living on our compound, many stores were willing to take invoices of monthly payments, much like the other Clans.
    A Kunoichi's Tale: Naruto Fanfiction
    Anime und Comics · Ketsueki_Hasu
  • lightace19

    it's not really cheating A they aren't a permanent sexual member. B it won't be behind anybody's backs she will likely inform the other two while probably feeling guilty and C couples invite friends into their bed all the time it ain't nothing but a good time so long as you're open about it. I for one wouldn't mind seeing more friends with benefits from time to time but that's just me.

    Tsunade will be an occasional reoccurring character inside smut chapters, but I have plans for her... as for if this is 'cheating', it is but isn't to me.
    A Kunoichi's Tale: Naruto Fanfiction
    Anime und Comics · Ketsueki_Hasu
  • lightace19

    a lot of female Shinobi lost their virginity before puberty for training so it's fairly historically accurate and for all those without cry the dark ages were dark ages for a reason p.s.yes I know Japan wasn't technically a part of the dark age

    1) It makes sense to get your female shinobi used to sex, that way, physically at least, they could potentially retaliate, without having to worry about the pain and shock losing your hymen could cause when raped. This is a real world, not a fairy tale kiddy version like the anime, so of course there is a chance of something like being captured and raped happening. I believe that this MIGHT help. Anyways, I stated it, and I believe the Author of 'In Naruto' said it, but it was OPTIONAL. Kurenai in this book didn't do it.
    A Kunoichi's Tale: Naruto Fanfiction
    Anime und Comics · Ketsueki_Hasu
  • lightace19
    Antwortet auf randompotatogun

    the longbow is designed to kill light infantry kimberson and chainmail the crossbow is designed to kill plat armor targets usually between 30 to 40 yards remember full plate is interconnected steel plates it's not something easy to penetrate it was more effective to bludgeon them to death than to try to pierce their armor

    Kakashi looked at the bow on my back, and after sighing I offered it to him. He nodded when he felt its weight, before attempting to draw it back. I could see him straining slightly. Eventually he handed the bow back to me, muttering "Monster" under his breath, which I chose to ignore. After all, I do have a few seals engraved on the top and bottom of the bow. I don't fully understand how they work, but the thing has been in my family for awhile. Apparently it was a wedding gift to one of my grandparents, or maybe their parents, from an Uzumaki sealmaster. All I know is that someone who I am distantly related to managed to befriend some really important person, who gave them this bow. The thing is light, but the draw weight... is absurd. It took me a decade to eventually be able to use the thing consistently. I was determined to use the damn thing, cause a normal longbow already offers a lot of range and power, but this thing? I've killed someone from around a thousand feet. Course the arrow was loaded to the brim with explosive tags...
    A Kunoichi's Tale: Naruto Fanfiction
    Anime und Comics · Ketsueki_Hasu
  • lightace19

    won't penetrate full plate at that range but gimberson's no problem that you need a crossbow for armor penetration and that's usually about 30 to 40 yd to penetrate full plate a longbow could pin full plate at 20 ft but I wouldn't want to be 20 ft near swordsman with a bow you got to remember full plate is a full body suit of interconnecting steel plates it's not something easily penetrated in fact you would use a hammer or a mace to kill a plated kight the longbow was designed to kill large groups of light infantry gimberson and chainmail not plate

    Kakashi looked at the bow on my back, and after sighing I offered it to him. He nodded when he felt its weight, before attempting to draw it back. I could see him straining slightly. Eventually he handed the bow back to me, muttering "Monster" under his breath, which I chose to ignore. After all, I do have a few seals engraved on the top and bottom of the bow. I don't fully understand how they work, but the thing has been in my family for awhile. Apparently it was a wedding gift to one of my grandparents, or maybe their parents, from an Uzumaki sealmaster. All I know is that someone who I am distantly related to managed to befriend some really important person, who gave them this bow. The thing is light, but the draw weight... is absurd. It took me a decade to eventually be able to use the thing consistently. I was determined to use the damn thing, cause a normal longbow already offers a lot of range and power, but this thing? I've killed someone from around a thousand feet. Course the arrow was loaded to the brim with explosive tags...
    A Kunoichi's Tale: Naruto Fanfiction
    Anime und Comics · Ketsueki_Hasu
  • lightace19

    ninja like samurai started their marshall training with well martial arts bow training and then swordsmanship some clans were famous for their archery and others or swordsmanship but all samurai and ninja could use a bow mostly because Japanese steel was mostly pig iron and fairly fragile which is why they had wood armor instead of metal then again this is on Earth and not whatever planet Naruto is from

    I checked the north, and smiled when the guards were still standing there, loudly talking. Making my way towards the west. When I saw the two guards had disappeared, I frowned, before looking at the river bank, and followed the footsteps. I was surprised when I heard muffled grunts, and after peeking around a tree, I saw them embracing, one lying on his back while the other was on top, pounding away. I drew my chokuto, sneaking behind them, before piercing both of them through the chest, allowing them to be united even in death. Flicking the blood off my blade, I made my way back to the camp. I went further north, finding a tall tree that gave me a view of the guards. Withdrawing one of the storage scrolls, I channeled a small amount of chakra through it, allowing my main weapon to be summoned; a longbow.
    A Kunoichi's Tale: Naruto Fanfiction
    Anime und Comics · Ketsueki_Hasu
  • lightace19

    a little disappointed that Yuna didn't make comment about the one that got away or anybody not saying something with exaggerated poses but I guess it's fine

    Ch 98 Luring Soi Fon
    Goddess of Ice: Corrupting Bleach
    Anime und Comics · Maerry
  • lightace19

    would have been five but it seems like she let one slip away tisk tisk

    "*Cough* Actually, it's four."
    Goddess of Ice: Corrupting Bleach
    Anime und Comics · Maerry
  • lightace19

    Yuna going to kick herself for letting a beauty slip away from her due to negligence while giving Naruto a pat on the back for not making the same mistake

    And finally, there was Nel, who looked at Naruto in fascination. Hollow were attracted to strength, and the kind and gentle Naruto she knew suddenly displayed power beyond what she had ever seen felt incredibly alluring to her.
    Goddess of Ice: Corrupting Bleach
    Anime und Comics · Maerry
  • lightace19

    honestly she was one of my favorite characters from the show it made me sad how little screen time she actually got

    "Yup, I'm an idiot that likes teasing cute tomboys~"
    Goddess of Ice: Corrupting Bleach
    Anime und Comics · Maerry
  • lightace19
    Different types of strange beasts started appearing from the rifts and began attacking humanity. At the same time, alien races started to appear and mutants started popping out as well. Humans fought back with all they had, but the beasts and the mutants were too strong, as a single creature could kill a full battalion within a few minutes, causing humans to become almost extinct.
    I Shall Cuck Everyone
    Fantasie · Perverted_Fella
  • lightace19

    I'm not jealous at all

    Mnnn~ So soft~
    What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?
    Fantasie · Draekai
  • lightace19

    well when you think about what they're actually studying for they're either big M's or big S's since it's arguably more dangerous than joining the military

    Are you all masochists or something? Is this school just filled with masochists?
    What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?
    Fantasie · Draekai
  • lightace19
    Antwortet auf user123_4

    you would have to eat a literal handful of pure apple seeds for you to suffer from cyanide poisoning cyanide is refined to kill you it's perfectly safe to eat five or six apples core in one sitting besides you eat a number of poisons everyday from all the pesticides and chemicals sprayed on your food you're fine

    I finished my apple and threw the remains in a nearby leaf pile that was to be incinerated later.
    Reborn as the Princess' Knight (GL)
    Fantasie · Zerin_Lee
  • lightace19

    I'm pretty sure 2-year-olds aren't this articulate but what do I know

    "Ano, I'm not sure. It's just like…err…it feels like the other people suddenly don't like me anymore."
    Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister [Completed]
    Anime und Comics · Maerry
  • lightace19

    would a castrated him and train them as a maid deal with his male identity

    That's why Mother actually approved of this idea wholeheartedly and sent him to be trained as a butler with the others.
    What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?
    Fantasie · Draekai