


The world may be on fire, but at least we....... sry I got nothing

2020-04-18 JoinedUnited States



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Religiously Romantic

Lucia is next in line to lead her people, a group entirely devoted to the religion of the ancient Saint King, Darius, who freed the world from a demonic calamity. Lucia's ancestors fled to a hidden island in order to escape religious persecution, worshipping their God for decades undetected by the tyrannical government who outlawed worship of any being or power except themselves. Despite Lucia's fate of becoming the next Holy Patriarch to lead the refugees, She's secretly an Atheist! A quite blatant one at that.... Fearing a future of constant prayers and rituals, she runs away in an attempt to awaken her non-existent faith, only then will she feel worthy of her people who have sacrificed so much for their beliefs. But to her surprise, on an ancient watchtower at the heart of the mighty Saint king's Ancient empire, the pendant of her ancestors sucks her into the era that the Saint king supposedly walked the planet. Lucia meets the very real not-yet crowned Prince Darius of Elicia, the Saint king her people worshipped. Only, when she encounters him he's only 18 years old and just like her, hated by his people and uncertain about who he's meant to be. Lucia finds that she shares the same problems he does, Being restrained by responsibility at birth. They find themselves undeniably drawn to each other's counsel Luckily, with the help of the holy books Lucia was forced to read as a child, she knows of every move his enemies will make and how to further increase his glorious rise into godhood But how could she fall in love with the very God she constantly cursed at for being the root of all her problems..…….? ----------------------------------------------- Genres: War, Fantasy, Drama, Romance, Comedy Note: I by no means own the cover art, and am happy to take it down by request More than Happy to accept any critique!

Rwebee · Fantasy
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