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If you can t read 3 paragraphs, that explains why your stories are so bad.
Daddy Nurgle
You create stories depicting the wanton and gratuitous butchering of innocent animals just so that your MCs can get a few more exp points. 0.01D characters. And now you are upset because the psychology of characters you haven't created, in a story you haven't read, which is a work of fiction, doesn't abide by your narrow way of thinking. Keep posting comments. The you do, the more pathetic you look.
Jesus, this is a work of fiction, if author says they love him, then they love him, end of story. Not everybody thinks like you, not everybody likes what you like, you are trying to argue that creativity should be curtailed by your sole narrow perception. Now that s really pathetic. I ve seen weirder S in life than a statutory "slave" falling in love with her "master". Why are Westerners, the ones grandstanding the most about tolerance and open mindedness, the least tolerant and open minded of all.
Your own novels cater to some form of sexual fantasy. Some novels are design to do only that, and that s okay. Some novels are not, and that s also okay. This novel has a plot, the "slaves" are not pokemons and are fully fleshed out characters with marked personalities. One is particularly ruthless, traumatized and brutal. Another is a lost puppy that normalized being treated like S and is being taught by the mc what it means to be cared for. etc etc "Grand purpose" is for heroes, villains are by definition selfish and doing things to cater to their wants. And if you don t like that, that s fine, move on. Otherwise we can do a psychological analysis of your stories and break down how any single action taken by your MCs highlight XYZ dynamic of oppression and the glorification of evil.
You can literally filter the tag out in the search bar. There are TONS of female oriented stories, with female mcs having any sort of love interest you can think of. And no one, literally no one, stops you from writing your own novels.
Taking advantage of the world rules for your own benefit regardless of what morals dictate is exactly what a villain would do. I don t understand why people like you can t just move on, instead of getting their panties in a bunch over a work of fiction. There are plenty of stories I don t like, including yours, I don t try argue it should be illegal for you to write those because the plot opposes whatever my morals are. Instead, I move on, because I respect the fact that plenty of people enjoy those, regardless of how I view them.
Girls find anything they don t like creepy, it s a meaningless metric. This is a work of fiction, it doesn't affect you, move on, just like M move on when they see a cringeworthy and creepy W oriented "romance story" in which the premise is almost always them "taming" their love interest into an obedient servant. Novels are escapism, the whole purpose of fantasy is to engage in scenarios that do not reflect our current paradigm.
Brother, literally everyone below the ruling class was an unofficial slave. The only dynamic variable is how horrendous it was. When the colonizers decided to abolish slavery it was the local tribes that opposed it. The narrative of the "united natives against atrocities" is fake history.
You re not answering the question. Many colonies did not practice slavery, many people were enslaved without being colonized.