I love cookies and potato’s
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the writing style isn't for me and I felt like there is alot to desire for the plot. the author does alot of tell but not show. I haven't finished reading it and I don't think I will cus I have to pay for it. the characters say cringy things some time. ex the alpha of alphas. it's not in a fun or quirky way. some character relationships are brought up with little to no explanation. I've read way better rejected omega stories on wattpad for free with cringy dialog. I also don't like the fact that the Mc gets with his rapist in the end. this might me the authors first story and I get it my first writing was pretty shit too. I personally think you have great ideas but you just need more exp. I recommend that the story should be 50 chaps max cus it feels like there is alot of filler. like can't the Mc rest. he gets stalked and threatened by a creep and gets kidnapped when he finds a good guy to be his boyfriend
you should probably tell your readers on wattpad that you switched platforms. People are suffering.
you are #1 in the bl tag congrats
so like a guide verse
4 months and you finally decided to update
author you dead
their is another repeat ch.
why did you say it
I think this is a repeat ch