

2020-03-01 JoinedUnited States



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    GEMINIxECLIPSE3 years ago
    Replied to Bjorn_Stormwave

    I know this is kind of old already but I'll just say this. Harem is non of those things; It's not like cannibalism or genocide. It's the culture of their world. World Building is a very important part of writing and yes this would include 'Is polygamy accepted or not' it's just part of the story. So, I will say this. Is Harem Disgusting: Disgusting is a overexaggerating Is Harem Immoral: in our culture yes, in the culture of the story no a number of people do it it's part of the worlds culture. Is Harem demoralizing for women: Saying a newly created story is demoralizing for women is like saying people shouldn't attend school because some of the courses goes over slavery or women's lack of rights in the past. English, Art, Music, PE, anything that teaches anything about history will be demoralizing. Is Heram Perverted:... Yes, it is. In the case the MC Actively pursues the women. Harem isn't the as bad as you make it out to be. I'm not defending it im just saying as a writer it's a option so people will write it. The only haram i read is "Bringing a Farm to Another World" because the story only focuses on the first person the MC started dating assuming the story doesn't forget about them. If you're willing so take a teaspoon of salt and see that not all harems are bad read that story because haram is legit bottom of the barrel of thing this story focuses on. I promise you if you give the story a try you would be... actually if you read and like this story you bios towards any other novel with probably be 100 times worst XD. It's that big of a difference between typical harams especially because the MC harem always plays a primary role in the story. Without them the MC would be terrible in dealing with 80% of the things he can currently do. but at the end of the day I agree to a extent of what your saying, minor one. You completely blow this out of proportion.

    GEMINIxECLIPSE4 years ago
    Replied to RAELIUS

    if a chapter isn't release the previous week then it will be released during the next... chapter 19 well be released tomorrow night September 2 followed by 20,21,22 during the following days

    GEMINIxECLIPSE4 years ago


    This chapter has been deleted.