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what?? is this necessary ?
cute story.. nothing to add besides that it looks to have a slow pace but when you realize you all ready have read everything. good story over all.
haha wow what a family, the flower's mentality transfered to her daughter and is hilarious
rarely I review stories but this one deserves the time, it has been so long since I found a story that has plot, development of world and so many interesting characters and a story so endearing that makes me wait for the upload of new chapters, author-nim you are awesome and your imagination is unmatched, there are few authors that can make a story that interesting and with a good flow to read, until now I hadn't found any kind of hole in the plot or something important that was forgotten, which for someone that reads stories all the time is hard to find, what I mean is that the story is great and you wont be lost because the plot fits right in to what it proposes. Again thank you for allowing us to be able to read and enjoy a little of your likings on you book. it's not my first language so forgive me for any kind of misspelling :)
speak brotha speak
casper and the freaks