Full time worker and novice writer.
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One of my favorite things to write about is character progression. More so their personalities rather than their physical growth. But I think scenes like this is where a lot of people get his alignment confused and they deem Noah to be a straight-out villain. Glad you are able to see past that!
Some of the bubbles could be comments that needed me to fix a word and bubble is still there. I'm not sure why its preventing you from making a comment though.
At this time Noah's ability has yet to level up so he can only retain two genes still which is his zombie gene and the spider gene. But to answer your question, no. He hasn't given up the chimera route.
fixed, thank you
This is exactly what I wanted to convey. Even as I made the decision to go through to write this, I was prepared for people to feel to not like the direction she took, but in the end, everything Ailetta has gone through was leading up to this moment.
I tried relooking through the earlier chapters to make sure if there was an error on my part, but I didn't see anything where it was in the 20's. I could've changed it a while ago when I was doing balance changes, but it was so long ago that I forgot.
Arcanist is basically the lower version of the summoners. summoners are able to summon monsters and other creatures, while arcanist start off with basic creatures like elementals.
This took place really early in the morning. I only have knowledge of the campus I went to, but professors usually lived off campus which is why there weren't any adults.
I'm still upset that I forgot about that. The sight only allows me to add or subtract 100 words to an already published chapter and this was when I first started writing and made a lot of errors. But he was supposed to have had a chest. good catch though, let me know if you see anymore like it. I plan on fixing all of these when I eventually try to get the book published.
Got it.