New author trying out my craft, hope you all enjoy my stories!
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I hope Rachel is the first person he tells that he's the crypto investor fuglyduckling. The system has vouched for her loyalty, and I think him showing some trust for her could cement that loyalty, as well as increase her respect for him. Also, I'd just like at least one person to be aware of what he's capable of in his life.
Sinclair? I thought her last name was Teschmacher.
I've really enjoyed this novel so far, thanks for writing it!
I hope he kills Yu Yanxie in the future
No, you haven't just said that it's different in different regions, you've claimed some are right and others are wrong, while I've said the opposite are right right and your preferences are wrong, so we're still back to the same stalemate we started at, lol
Wait, is this the same city that's in the authors Plot Collapse book?
Shouldn't the vote be 4-2 since both Shawn and Sabrina voted for Sabrina?
Oh, so his soul cultivation is strong enough to do this already!
Ah, all that sounds helpful, and the explanation that his soul cultivation is just too low to do anything yet makes a lot of sense, thanks!
That's fine, nothing wrong with trying something new every once in a while