Smithereens of acumen contract into a span..... I What's there to know that's not known? What's there to reap that nature has not sown? II Wail wail lay... sway sway hey... prune prune rage...
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Hi! Sorry for keeping you waiting. So, I didn't sign the book with Webnovel. It's somewhere else. And yeah, we can talk on socials. @zuxian_lujing
Hi, guys! Author here. The complete version of this book is available on the Meganovel app.
Sorry for having to wait for the updates for so long. The complete book is available on the Meganovel app. Thank you.
I'm not sure if I understand what this means.
A thoughtful bridge of dialogues and description. Let's hope Nate will match up the energy of this new world and stop bickering over the transmigration. I'm definitely hooked.
Hi guys. The first half of the book has come to an end. If there will be any continuation, I'll first have to edit this; There are quite a number of things to correct, grammatically and stuff. Thanks all for reading. I appreciate.
I guess my use of the word "Deep" here caused a misunderstanding.
What's the point of a novel when all the questions get answered in the first few chapters?
Keep reading, you'll figure out.