


The scariest thing in the world is seeing that you have only 10 chapters till the end of the excellent novel 📖you are currently reading... Oh the Humanity! 😱😭

2020-01-07 BeigetretenZimbabwe

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  • Unimatrix001

    I get what he means actually actually. It's one thing to throw shade on your own group because you truly believe that whatever it is they doing is wrong. And then immediately turn around to take full advantage of the very things they are saying that they are against. But the most contemptible are those who do it for fame/likes nd then drop the cause when something else trendy comes along.

    Dante did not frown or shake his head at this. In truth, he didn't care. He had been a part of the privileged class since he was born and he wasn't the type of idiot to go on social media to virtue signal by tarnishing his own group/caste for likes and fame.
    I am the God of Technology
    sci-fi · Kotario
  • Unimatrix001

    Use nukes then turn around and threaten anybody else who tries to make their own nukes with treaties and sanctions whilst all the while keeping your own nukes 😉

    It was simply toxic behavior to the extreme, bullying everyone with a big stick then later wearing three layers of armor so that no one could use that same stick to beat you back.
    I am the God of Technology
    sci-fi · Kotario
  • Unimatrix001

    He could make a ton of money importing sp*erm !

    "By the time we realized, 8 out of 10 humans sported unique genetics and visible features that marked them as demihumans at best. Apart from the top elite who maintain bloodline generation after generation, as well as a few commoners who were averse to cross-breeding, there were few others."
    I am the God of Technology
    sci-fi · Kotario
  • Unimatrix001

    MC has gone nd lost his mind

     Uncle Da hesitated for a moment, "...Why don't we go outside and test it out? It just so happens that these aliens came from a place called Earth. According to the information on their spaceship, Earth is only 380,000 kilometers away from our base. We can fire a shot there to see the effect…"
    People Found Out About The Base I Built On the Moon
    sci-fi · Silver Lining
  • Unimatrix001

    8 billion 8 hundred 88 million 8 hundred and 88 thousand 8 hundred and 88 Yuan to be exact

    For example, some were saying that the three astronauts were kidnapped by aliens. They were saying that the aliens were asking for a ransom of 8.8 billion yuan.
    People Found Out About The Base I Built On the Moon
    sci-fi · Silver Lining
  • Unimatrix001

    You have found him!

     Ma Hai Bo narrowed his eyes. He felt that this friend of his was not only a hacker. He might also be a…. Whatever he was, the chances were pretty likely.
    People Found Out About The Base I Built On the Moon
    sci-fi · Silver Lining
  • Unimatrix001

    Death to traitors!

     Ma Hai Bo narrowed his eyes. He felt that this friend of his was not only a hacker. He might also be a…. Whatever he was, the chances were pretty likely.
    People Found Out About The Base I Built On the Moon
    sci-fi · Silver Lining
  • Unimatrix001

    Too fast it would have been fun to see how he pulled off ..... Oh well 🤷🏿‍♂️

    Due to the threat of aliens, Zhao Yu developed his technologies in an oddly specific direction. Most of his focus went to developing weapons for his base. If there were anything that he developed that wasn't for military purposes, it would be technologies that were absolutely necessary for survival. These include creation of air, AI assistants, energy storage, gravity regulator, water molecular extraction and greenhouse vegetable cultivation.
    People Found Out About The Base I Built On the Moon
    sci-fi · Silver Lining
  • Unimatrix001

    Advanced version of the system currently in the latest Rolls Royce

    Inside a heavily guarded and lengthy convoy, Alexander could be seen seated in the presidential car dubbed "the dragon." His eyes remained closed while he still wore his glasses. The car maintained its level of stability despite moving at a very fast speed along some rugged roads, thanks to the advanced suspension system in the car. The system reacted immediately to counteract any changes in the road, making sure that the car always maintained the same stability. It was effective to the point where even if a glass filled to the brim with water was placed in the car, it would not spill even a single drop.
    Getting a Technology System in Modern Day
    sci-fi · Agent_047
  • Unimatrix001

    So why make them drop 5 metres before ?

    With the assistance of the armors, they were thrown fifteen meters into the air, just two meters short of scaling the wall, but just then, the armor's boosters sprang back to life, helping them get higher and scale the remaining two meters. At the same time, they started reducing their speed of falling after the gravity finally won against them just as they had scaled the wall and started falling down, to avoid making any noise which could possibly alert someone or trigger an analog sensor.
    Getting a Technology System in Modern Day
    sci-fi · Agent_047
  • Unimatrix001

    I am scared of jumping of a stool and these guys are falling 5 metres!

    Their fall continued for a few more seconds before, "FRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR," the thruster appeared once again, but this time they were blasting at their full power when the soldiers were a mere ten meters away from the ground. Their velocity was dwindled to near zero before the thrusters deactivated when the soldiers were just five meters above the ground, leaving the rest of the fall to be handled by themselves, which they easily took care of by simply bending their knees the moment their legs were about to touch the ground and together with the armor, they were easily able to absorb the rest of the energy without any trouble.
    Getting a Technology System in Modern Day
    sci-fi · Agent_047
  • Unimatrix001

    The idea is not bad but it's definitely not a classic in my opinion.It's the usual story MC gets reborn with a system now he going to try and make it big and get rich. I read it elsewhere got very far into the story (800 chapters) What's good It's a slightly new spin on using modern knowledge. With some real life people as characters in the story. MC. As well as mixing reallife events in the story is a nice touch. So what's wrong with the story? The constant and I mean constant hate on the West, Japan, south Korea and blacks really spoiled the whole story. Let me put it this way as long as they ain't Chinese (author) MC has a bad opinion about them. The author constantly praises China and it's people but ends up inadvertently(?) portraying Chinese people as nothing more than petty, vindictive people who are the chosen race. If I do something it's good but if anyone else does the exact same thing they are evil and scum of the earth.As the MC gets richer and richer from inventing better nd better tech, you start to ask yourself why is the government leaving him to fight alone? Logically anyone of the MC's inventions could set up a country for success but they almost nonexistent but the opposition gets all kinds of help from their government...I decided to drop it cos even I have a limit to what I can ignore in the search of some entertainment 🙇🏿‍♀️

    Rebirth 1999: Unleashing the Era of Black Technology
    Urban · secret_identity
  • Unimatrix001
    Antwortet auf Unimatrix001

    Hati shares the island with the Dominican Republic.....it's one relatively small island but it has two countries on it

    Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
    Getting a Technology System in Modern Day
    sci-fi · Agent_047
  • Unimatrix001
    Antwortet auf Reguku

    Hati.... Go look at a map nd look for Hati nd all will be explained 😉

    Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
    Getting a Technology System in Modern Day
    sci-fi · Agent_047
  • Unimatrix001

    Voting not supported ? What happened ?

    Ch 176 Meeting with John
    Getting a Technology System in Modern Day
    sci-fi · Agent_047
  • Unimatrix001

    Not siamese

    However, after she cooled down, she decided to visit her neighbor, Liu Wenying, to find out if her Siamese cat had the special skill. If not…Zhang Zian, just wait! I will fight for my rights!
    Pet King
    Urban · Jie Po
  • Unimatrix001

    If he wants pussy he has to accept the pussy cat

    Something suddenly came up in Zhao Qi’s mind. She interrupted Shi Shi with her arm. "Shi Shi, what if my future boyfriend doesn’t like cats? What would you say?" Shi Shi was looking at handsome male celebrities’ pictures on her phone.
    Pet King
    Urban · Jie Po
  • Unimatrix001


    He played games for so many years and finally became someone he despised in the past: spending real money in a game...
    Pet King
    Urban · Jie Po
  • Unimatrix001

    An explanation that somehow confuses you more! 🤷🏿‍♂️

    [1] The phrase "to take the wrong medicine," meant to get out of the wrong side of the bed".
    Pet King
    Urban · Jie Po
  • Unimatrix001

    Not with that attitude .... You are going to die lonely miss thing

    These words directly touched her heart. Zhao Qi lived alone in her rental apartment. She currently had no boyfriend, but there would be one in the future… right? When she had a lot to do, she might continue to work at home. Add in reading, makup, skin care, and ladies’ tea time, and if the Siamese cat relied on people as much as he said, she might not have enough time to take proper care of it.
    Pet King
    Urban · Jie Po