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Its very cliche and the MC is dumb enough Just to make the story move slower then needed was hoping for more then i should have based on the start of it
So convient
Imma drop this here i like the concept reminded me of re:monster but there is just to much plot armor and I know tou hd a disclaimer about your grammar but it really is bad and it throws me off when im reading
Dont you love convience story fixes when a problem arises
Yes, You can very much have one without the other not all places eat food in the same way with the same sides
Im sure later on he is gonna find out a plce here as rice and have a crazy obession with getting it cause he misses it so so much -_-
Brushed against his face i know you must still be learning english or something so i dont want to be to critical just wanted to point this out for next time
You care more then most native english speakers