Teaholic, readaholic and loves writing
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Which chap?? Are you serious??????? There is no particular chap, there are bunch of chaps esp the ones in flashback that tells his story!! READ, instead of arguing with me without bothering to read a single line!!
I think it would be "disembling" and "reassembling"
Because they have seen worse than ghost, their "Devil" lord!!
You just jinxed yourseld
He was planning to fake Peiote's death to force him to stay in Fenris and basically have nowhere to go back to
To Mr./Ms Urmoire Are you sure you are "reading" this book and not just "glancing" at the words written?? Did you miss out the part that the demonic cultivation and necromancy was discovered by him?? Did you miss out the part that he was getting affected by the dark energy of his? Did you miss out the part where he lost control leading to the dead of Jin Zixuan?? Did you miss out the part that he lost control "again" and that led to Yanli getting killed?? Have you just watched the series which "whitewashed" Wei Wuxia to the point that they even altered his death?? Did you know that in Chinese Censorship they cannot show a grey hero??
For an unpaid employee, he is showing quite a lot of diligence. But seriously when will he be shown as a brilliant strategist?? Wasn't that the reason Ghislain scouted him??
Well your not wrong 🤣🤣
What an idiot!! Is that how you lead??
🤣🤣🤣 So Ghislain is using Dominic's obsession over him and collecting his things as a leverage 😂😂😂😂