

2019-11-14 BeigetretenGlobal

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  • Marcel_0523
    Marcel_05232 years ago
    Antwortet auf JhakqueZyx6

    well i cant agree i mean Mathematic is a universal rule, how do you think the best sport teams in a world had all mroe than 5 losing streak? i assume now ( im not sure) there are planets who plays already for lets say atleast 100.000 years lets say each year 2 games = 200.000 Games lets say your planet has 60% winrate what is not amazing but "above averrage" in that 200k games you will 100% habe atleast dozens of 10+ win streaks but also 5+ losing streak its a universal rule about statistik there can be no different opinions 1+1 is 2 and not 3 because some one has a different opinion of course you cant aplitcate this 100% here because you have in involve otehr things too,too make a accrurate statistik but still like i said IT WILL HAPPEN no matter what even if you have 90% win rate in 100.000 games there will a coupel of times scenarios where you ahd a atleast 5er losing streak (thats a mathematik rule there is no BUT)

  • Marcel_0523
    Marcel_05232 years ago
    Antwortet auf JhakqueZyx6

    im only arround 400

  • Marcel_0523
    Marcel_05232 years ago
    Antwortet auf MidGard

    i mean compared with 90% you played lol the best ever challenger had arround 60% win rate 80 and more is almost not possible you play with peopels who is on your level and that is 5vs5 now 100 player only 1 can win 90% rate? thats mathematic not posdible only when you played your first games and smurfed like the mc you say there are always different games what need different talent this make it even harder .good example pubg single player 100 player 10% win rate have the best players some maybe a bit more but thats it.now with the 5 lose, the gamesare hold for 2m years or so most planet has prolly 1000 +games if not 10000+ with always different games its impossible to not have somtimes a losing streak even more than 5 games losing streak get unlucky play 5 times a game u suck as a team and the other loves the game and win against you.or lets say you play 5 x in a row against a team who is good as you, that shoud happen quite often (the chance to get 5 times head from coin in a row is arround 3,75%) what i try to say it is simple impossible tp never lose 5 in a row no matter how important the game is mathematic says its impossible NOT me atleast on 10.000 + games.Maybe you know some one who is good at statistiks? he will tell you the same xd heck with all love if you want i open a post in a mathematik forum if you dont belive me actually that i will do so you belive xd a 5losing streak shoud be punish but thats all well i will post next days so you belive thats impossible

  • Marcel_0523
    Marcel_05232 years ago

    Novel is good and entertains Sadly it has huge logic/math holes i can only belive that author skipped most of his math classes. 1. win rates of 30% in a game of 100 players only [1 can win] is tagged as garbage??? 30% shoud be legendary win rate!!! 2.planet games 1 team vs other if you lose 5 time in a row you get kicked for ever ????its impossilbe never having a losing streak from time to time even more than 5 games see best football teams other sports league of legends etc 3.a gold player with amazing performence can get with a win 3 billion but a king with billions under him cant have 50billions in his pocket??? 4. agents get normal 0.1% from deals like sponsor etc from there boss he give 0.2 cause his fair to his workers lul a agent get normally 2-7% average in the real world somtimes even more story is amazing but those not simple logic eror get on my nervs.

  • Marcel_0523
    Marcel_05232 years ago
    Antwortet auf MidGard

    Novel is cool but has one big logic mistake a bit long : It says that most players win "only" 1/3 of their games and that a 30% win rate is garbage and that you should have 50 or more. the author takes a lot of inspiration from league of legends and that's ok. but this is not a 5vs5 where there are 5 winners and 5 losers and about 25% of the players die when they lose. there are many different games where it's not always the strongest that has the advantage but you need other strengths puzzle wits, car racing skill,even carisma if you form alliances for a short time.which makes it even harder to emerge victorious. moreover, on average 100 players play and so far only one can win. With such conditions it is illogical to say 30% win rate is bad and you should have more than 50% it is not even mathematically possible that gold players have an average win rate of 15% then there would be too many winners. In that case, for example, a win rate of 7-10% would be enough to slowly but surely climb the ladder, and 30% would be ..... absolute machine and not garbage xd in league of legends conversion 30% would be more than 95% win rate so a challenegr smurfer from iron to dia would have that xd. would be ncie if author fix that logic error

  • Marcel_0523
    Marcel_05232 years ago
    Antwortet auf LazyBlack

    and get prolly dropped like all other 5

  • Marcel_0523
    Marcel_05233 years ago
    Antwortet auf Crimson_Prince_18

    Imagine for 2 order the mc will need more than 1000 chapters if this keeps going novel will have atleast 5000+chapters if not more, what a joke thats just money grab

  • Marcel_0523
    Marcel_05233 years ago
    Antwortet auf DaoistUSGjZM

    jokes on you 2 order will happen arroud chapter 1000-1200 lmao "slow plot progress" its slow beyond slow

  • Marcel_0523
    Marcel_05233 years ago

    author copys from Everyone Else is a Returnee,only big difference is the sloooooowwwww progress of the story and zombies, 2months =500+ chapters no thats not a joke,its okay to get inspired by other novels but this is beyond shameless.its ridicules hwo the author says in one chapters he hates pirate readers,but he copy like nobody before him from a other story XD haha

  • Marcel_0523
    Marcel_05233 years ago

    Author shamlessly copy from EER novel: Same power system Check. Charackters almost same Lierra= Lilith,Na YuNa=Wu yijun,Kang MiRae = Binxue Check. Power system same even with the job class and special titles check. Same kind of monster and how the world change check. Same Power fraccions like god lucifer etc even the damn angel micheal same personallity Check and i can call many more similitudes the novel is just a big copy with some changes like zombies ,mc is with a group and the endless filler chapters 600 chapters = 60days no im not joking.