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2019-09-20 BeigetretenUnited States



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DBZ Conquest

Dion Drake was an how shall I put this a complex person he loved martial arts and science and excelled at both he was also a secret neet but only about one show/manga mostly he liked a couple others like avatar he quite enjoyed that but his all time fav his addiction his vice will always be Dragon Ball Z well while going into a movie theater to watch the newest dbz movie you know the one the newest brolly movie anyway as he was walking into the movie theater he saw a bunch of dudes suspiciously huddle walking into the bathroom and he swore he heard crying like muffled the kind a woman makes now don't get me wrong our MC is no saint but there are 5 big lines he wont cross 5 genocide is a no no 4 thou shalt not seriously harm a woman or child (a child to him is 13 and under) 3 if he gives his word he keeps it there is no excuse 2 show him kindness and he'll return it x10 show him spite and he'll pay back x100 and 1 RAPE IS A DEATH PENALTY if others cross them there life in his eyes is forfeit and yes he has indeed killed like i said before he's no saint think of him sorta like an anti hero with set morals he never crosses and uses to judge others as well so he followed them and low and behold this scum pond was about to commit sin number 1 so he delt with it the proper way .. BRUTALLY .. I will spare you the details because he can get quite how shall I say into inflicting pain on scum like this so it got messy and I don't feel like putting it in the synapse ganna have to read for the good stuff am I right well anyway he got most and helped the girl up and just as they were walking away all Dion here's is BANG he got cocky he slipped he forgot to check pulses and it cost him dearly well at least there's no one waiting for him he's been alone for a long time now and then everything goes black read to find out more bcuz believe me his end was just the beginning

StayathomeDad · Anime & Comics
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