A SSS Rank Otaku. A simpleton, who loves anime, cartoon, manga, mahua, novel and light novels.
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LoooL 😂
Mention not. The scary thing about such peoples is their access to 100s or 1000s of bots that can work day and night comment, give reviews and mass report and even more frustrating CEs/admins won't care about it cuz as u can already see the top original novels are botted to the neck. I learned it the hard way smh 🫠 By the way, why not create a discord server? We can get better reference pics of characters and other things there.
i think you will need more than just good luck. remembering about that incident brings back traumatic memory. just hope the other party isn't a psycho like the one i dealt with. and sorry for the spam rant.
It was a decent read, after a very long time. Keep up the good work.
lol now i can see you are on the path of getting mass bullied. I remember a few years back I did something similar, and went as far as asking to spam a certain medium ranked author's review section and comments with 1 star. I think that chapters where I asked it is still up there and the result? I got a direct warning from the admin for initiating it (that botter account didn't even get suspended and now it's in the top section of WN. I won't reveal the name though, you can pretty much guess it.) and on top for days my book started getting 1 star reviews, 1 in every 5 mins, and uncountable spam in comments section. at that point i dropped the book and left. anyways, good luck dealing with your version of mess.
Giving 5.0 stars as I was the beta reader of the novel.
See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon
See this! I just gifted the story: Potion
Won't u wake up from sleep if someone shakes you or your mobile starts vibrating and making noises as alarm
this pup part is another story line, which will eventually join up with the main story line