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is impossible for Nana to get pregnant
As the story explains, there is no known way to remove this type of "curse" or "blessings/mikos", which Cliff discovered are the same thing, it is basically a part of the user and the user's mana the only known being who knew how to manipulate curses and mikos powers was the dragon god Laplace (it is not known if he knew how to remove a curse/blessing but he could modify it)
he is also 3/4 demigod
I've tried to be a fanfic author before, I found that writing one chapter a week is already difficult.
What are you cooking, author? I suppose that since he spent some time in the mana crystal, this created a mana mutation, just like people with cursed/blessed abilities, so it is possible that Rudeus is now a miko but will have to learn again to use mana, but will gain a new ability. (I haven't seen this fanfic in a long time, doesn't he get along with Paul?)
autor, una pregunta, ¿tiene la intención de agregar a Linia y Pursena al harén? Por alguna razón, a ningún autor de fanfic de mushoku tensei parece gustarle agregarlos al harén.
Aunque casi ninguno de los hijos de Ludeus heredó la corona y su cabello, la apariencia de los niños es casi la misma que la de su padre, incluso tienen una marca de nacimiento en las mejillas. (sí, sé que el autor dijo que cree que los genes rudeus son recesivos)
Surely the spirit wants a demon from another world, since he played Beethoven
Happy Birthday (sorry the delay)
I think it's interesting, and it develops the world build It's cool to see that people from different regions have a different culture and therefore different ways of dressing and classifying things, as well as of course I would guess since the clan lives in a coastal region and the merchants sell across the sea, I would guess that there would be more Gu along the water path (you know supply and demand)