Like reading well thought-out stories that the author will not abandon. Like harems of 3 to four women. Dislike when the author makes harems of double digits, 10 and above, that's just ridiculous.
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This won't go over well with Batman and the hero community at all. They could probably stomach him killing criminals in Gotham cause he's doing his job as a policeman. Could even call it self defense shooting back. But killing 10,000 people. If the author makes Batman feel okay with it after learning about this, then something's wrong. Unless by some miracle, Batman and the hero community don't find out.
Yeah. Know why?
Well that took a turn. Soooo, let me get this straight. Jar Jar binks is not only a Sith but also a son of Thanos? It's like the author decided to wake up one day and try and get people to take Jarjar seriously. (and partially succeed at that. I still think he's a joke. Him using the dark side is not gonna change that. But the implications that come with him being a child of Thanos can't be ignored. All Thanos' children are dangerous. So if he's a son of Thanos, he must have the ability. Also, there's the possibility of other force using children of Thanos. Possibly some members of the Black Order will be force users themselves. Those are not good implications at all) Also the fact that he can hide his force ability and presence on a ship where there's the MC and Revan. This version of Jar binks must be strong and a threat.
Yeah. I'm wondering the same. .. .. .
She became soooo much better in S02.
It's not. And there's nothing wrong with Matthew. haters gon hate. Ignore them.
Well, R. I. P Flaxans
Is the topic he's supposed to talk about with the queen be..... (see what I did there) BDSM stuff?