


Reading a book as its being written is great but my favorite part is watching people reacting to the same thing I just got excited about. got mad at the same thing. I dont experience the book alone.

2019-06-25 BeigetretenUnited States



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  • Skelatron
    Skelatron3 months ago
    Antwortet auf Moffinss

    Its not the contents on the book that I dont like,tho that does play a part for sure. it's the Baiting of the synopsis. also Kindof expected. but there are probably hundreds of stories where the MC starts off with some bullshit OP abilities and you just roll from there. with all the context that every described element of reviews and the authors described book it felt very disingenuous to find out 5 mins into the book that in fact no the MC doesn't get cool abilities but he in fact starts with less that what was promised, with how this app works spending coins, or spirit stones on the story wasnt going to be worth it to me when there are much better things to read on this app. there where some other elements I didnt like as well. the characters were bland and hard to read, the power of the wish and rules you have to abide by when making the wish should have been stated so it's understood quickly and effectively. for example rule 1 you can ask to be the strongest in the world, but the power isn't granted to you. it just unlocked your bodies potential and gives you talent or attributes you wouldn't have otherwise. this works if you want to have a book with a weak to strong approach. instead they let you wish for whatever you wanted and then after that nerfed you if the wish was too broad or too powerful

  • Skelatron
    Skelatrona year ago

    not a huge fan of Yandaree stuff. mentaly taxing

  • Skelatron
    Skelatron2 years ago

    dude i would love it if she actually managed to kill him. would help him sort out his brain abit

  • Skelatron
    Skelatron2 years ago

    writing quality is a step above a lot of other novels on this app but it still can be improved, for example it is hard to tell weather his thoughts are voiced or spoken internally causing confusion occasionally. not bad. but can be improved the story takes a few common tropes and trys moderately successfully to mesh them together into something coherent. teenager scarring and murdering hundreds of hardened criminals and dieing to be tranmigrated into a game he used to play when he was younger. apparently avidly. the type of game seems reminicent of dating sims where different combinations of interations cause new outcomes in the endings. it also grabbed the trope of unremarkable side character/villan being the one reincarnated as. consequently the characters are 2 dimensional at the start of the story. what you get at first is probably what youll get later on as well. i recommend but the first few chapters are forced and a bit cringe at times.

  • Skelatron
    Skelatron2 years ago

    first chapter is he gets the system. second chapter is he gets unearned Op skills. a whole list of then. then a arbitrary number for skilk points with no idea for valuation. if you got a system today. and you saw your first misson say 10,000 skill points would you think thats high? probably is if your refrence point is 1 skill point raises your stats by 1 each. but there is no other information given that tells us that its high other than our MC just saying "oh, thats a high reward" how does he know? is there a universal power scale? if you want a brain dead novel read. this is for you

  • Skelatron
    Skelatron2 years ago

    everyone gets a wish. its pushed to start with as very overpowered and very open ended. no wish twisting, just a simple what do you want. what the synopsis doesnt tell you is at integration there is a balance that caps everyone at level 1 of the power ceiling. so if you wished. i want to be a god, you then get nerfed to level 1 brand with powers of a slightly stronger human. i feel baited. writing quality is not great. characters are 1 dimentional and seem to be focused on bad anime character tropes. there's no world building. author seems to be projecting his/her own emotions into their characters. i hope they gets some help if so. i dont recommend but try if you like

  • Skelatron
    Skelatron2 years ago


  • Skelatron
    Skelatron2 years ago

    i hate her so very much but the relationship of her and ves grows on you lol