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2019-05-14 BeigetretenGlobal



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  • The_Origin
    The_Origin2 years ago

    Hello All The Readers! Wishing you and your entire family a very Happy and Prosperous New Year 2023!! If you are reading or have already read this chapter on first day of release, I thank you for reading this mess of a chapter from the bottom of my heart. I also humbly apologies for the state in which this chapter came out. I was in a hurry and published the first draft version as soon as I could. I think it is as clear as day that this chapter has largely not been edited at all. I am still inexperienced and will try to do my best to not let something like this happen again in the future. Also I will try to make up for this mess as soon as I possibly can. In the meantime, I thank anyone who read this chapter from start to finish from the bottom of my heart once again. Whether you liked it or not, thank you for giving it a chance and sticking out till the end. Unfortunately, since this is a one shot series, I will not be releasing more chapters anytime soon, at least until this chapters get enough support from your side. Please do leave a comment if you would like to. Your feedback is highly appreciated. Thank You for reading and Happy New Year! ~Author

  • The_Origin
    The_Origin4 years ago
    Antwortet auf Dazai_Senpai

    Yes, yes my friend. He was every bit as degenerate as you imagine him to be.