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this was anticlimactic
ngl this scene draggin
memory loss to me always feels like a cop out
there is only so much we can have with a young character because ultimately his not self sufficient n his parents are making alot of choices for him that are n i rhink he needs to be faced with the consequences of his actions more maybe not the way daiki did it but nonetheless
idk when his defining moment will be that will shape his morals but i think after this arc is done the story needs a lil time skip or a faster pace jus for a while other wise you risk losing readers
i think his father should have a talk with him because the man from chapter one is not the same kid we have right now
satoshi is losing himself to the talents and the way the people in the workd treat him yes daiki was wrong for beating him but diaki wasnt wrong about the lesson he was trying to teqch him
sure lmk
webnovel readers are very impatient they want instant gratification n are not prone to letting stories develop imperfect characters youd have more change in ao3 or spacebattle forum