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BTW are you going to add Fiona in the harem? Or one version of her in the harem?
Oh yeah totally, i mean thats how things were in the mediaval era, even more when they are literal mlnaters, demons, dragons and also magic, its even weird the age its not even lower
Sorry i meant eggman is in the wrong for slaving animals. Dont know why i said Mc xD
Bro i already told you she is not canon, in theory she should be real, but she is a Fan creation, basically a Devian art creation xD she is not Canon so i cant give you a comic name. Tho i never said she was canon tbh
Really love it, glad to see mc being more reasonable than sonic, sure mc was still in the wrong for basically slaving animals as his robots and his machines damaging the enviroment. But after sonic break him he truly became evil But i never understood why did he do that, he doesnt need roboticed animals, and Im sure he is smart enough to figure out tecnologies that doesnt hurt the enviroment, hoprfully mc can help him and show him that he doesnt need to be evil on porpuse and he can gain OP allies out of this. Also cant wait to see the freedom figthers reaction to mc xD i aldo hope Shard metal sonic is alive here, i remember he loved Nicole so i hope in this timeline they could be together
Love it, tho some parts felt wrting like IA in genral it was a good chapter, really glad you expose the fact that Morticia never felt loved or desired, which although its bad for male Morty, we can all agree its kinda normal in our society. while for Female Morticia it should have been way worse because its hard for a woman to be in her position. Honestly i wouldnt be Surprised if she is already completly and madly in Love with Mc after all the intensity of the emotions mc make her feel its enough to ruin even popular girls, much less Morticia that already craved for love and attention I hope they Joined Mc's dimension permanently just like OG rick and morty moved in to another reality they destroyed their world
Elder scrolls? 🤨 they traveled to skyrim or something?
Elder scrolls? 🤨 they traveled to skyrim or something?
Lol there is no comic from her since she is basically a fan creation 😅, she and her universe is basically the same as og but everyone is genderbent. Not hard to imagine, yet again its just a suggestion if you dont want to add her in the harem thats ok.
Glad that you are feeling better, i really missed this fic. Also great shpater, loved how mc flexed his power and exposed the hypocrsy of the government. Tho Im more excited to see the continuation of MC and Cindy moon, Petra parker and Sudan Storm tbh