

2019-04-17 BeigetretenAustralia



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  • John_Doe12
    Antwortet auf maxphantom

    So, people seem a little annoyed by the fact the main character isn’t going around curb stomping the competition in a power fantasy for the ages. Let’s take a moment to put into perspective what’s been written and why he isn’t murder hoboing his way across the elemental nations. Firstly, our unfortunate MC has been placed in an incredibly disadvantageous situation. They are facing social, financial and economic disadvantages… These disadvantages are increased by a sharp time crunch, impending threat of death and zero practical knowledge of the ways of Chakra and the combative abilities of the world around him. It’s an uphill battle of an incredible underdog. His climb isn’t supposed to be easy. If it was he wouldn’t be the underdog. The MC isn’t backed by a powerful genetic lineage. Generation wealth, privilege or even secret hidden knowledge. Sure he has future facts that mean nothing in his current position. Any random ninja at any point could have shanked him and hidden the body and no one would have cared. He is the definition of a nobody. You want him to stomp and embarrass the clan kids? With what? Witty comments and a go get them attitude. That’s probably the fastest way for him to either be crippled, disappear or manipulated into becoming an emotional root slave. Now before someone claps back about all the secret methods and powerful ways to become the biggest murder hobo of the hidden leaf. Those aren’t easy methods or simple short term power ups otherwise everyone would be doing them. These methods are either incredibly situational, would be heavily restricted or lead to someone noticing and lead To the MC being disappeared before mind walked into oblivion. Then let’s say he doesn’t get disappeared. There’s the glaring fact most of these methods would need some type of serious plot armour or privilege to achieve. Then say he gets his special method of ultimate power. When and where does he use it. He is surrounded by super spies. People that can read minds. See through walls travel completely unnoticed. It becomes a little harder to implement when it takes only one power hungry or revenge driven rando to find out and Shank him in the face so they can take the power for themselves.. Do remember this is a world we’re a dude will implant a bunch of eyeballs and ancient dead guy cells into himself for power. Shanking a nobody would be an average Monday. They probably have people just to get rid of the bodies. So, with the MC unable to zero to hero these things on theoretical knowledge alone. He’s gotta lean into the grind. A grind that he is behind in. That everyone else is getting special training for and are years ahead… And that’s without the fact that we need to take a moment to realise the MC wasn’t raised by a culture obsessed with sending super powered children to war. There is going to be an adjustment period. Now before someone uses anime logic to tell me it’s easy. You just do a hundreds of push ups and sit ups every day for years, wear spandex and lose all your sense of fashion. This isn’t that kinda story. Those characters that make look easy generally have something that sets them apart from the group. Something, beyond just an unbelievable level of intrinsic talent. A mentor, a special ability or seriously thick plot armour that gives them a leg up and lets them bridge all the power brackets and disadvantages. Long story short. No stompy, stompy without worky worky.

    Naruto: The Outsider's Resolve
    Anime und Comics · FictionOnlyReader
  • John_Doe12

    I tried to read this story with a grain of salt. Wish fulfilment, grimdark power fantasies aren't usually my thing. One so focused on being Literotica more so. So, I went into reading this comfortably self-aware of my bias, and with a handful of purified salt just to be safe. I ran out of salt by the fifth chapter. Read at your own risk. This isn't for the faint of heart or delicate of sensibilities. Writing Quality: The quality of writing could use major improvements and a decent amount of proofreading. There are simple errors littered throughout the chapters that once smoothed out could be a simple and effective way to improve the flow and structure of the story. However, grammatically it's pretty on point. What is currently there needs an NSFW warning right out of the gates and there is a disconnect between the content, the story and its characters that can feel choppy at times. Stability of Updates: The Story has a rather stable update schedule from what I can see. If you are interested in what is there then you will not be kept waiting long. Story Development: I understand this is a wish fulfilment power fest bent around a harem structure and so can't really judge what little plot the story contains. Five chapters in and nothing of real worth or impact had happened. He got laid, he went out, he got laid again, he did something minor, then killed a bunch of people and then went and got laid again. Rinse and repeat. If there was a driving force or reason behind his actions then things might be more interesting, just winging it and getting some reads boring and poorly thought out. Character Design: The characters so far have been flat cardboard cutouts pulled along by the whimsy of an MC with very little agency beyond his libido. The rather quick and brief introductions that are there extend very little passed being directly told about the physical traits of the characters. This can be annoying when mixed with the fact a lot of background knowledge is assumed. A quick and dirty fix would be to flesh out the characters with a few motivations, feelings or decisions that impact the mc's own. Otherwise, a small introduction of the characters, their physical attributes, relation to the scene being created and their importance to the main character or at least his thoughts on them would do wonders. Does he completely fanboy if he ever meets The Green Lantern or is Hal his least favourite of the lanterns because he could never understand his choices? Right now the background characters read like props being used as filler for the MC instead of being part of his story. World Background: Slowly developed, however, relies heavily on assumed knowledge of DC backgrounds. Scenes are created with no real-world development beyond the skeleton of a place's description and even those are sparse.

    DC: Light Human
    Anime und Comics · SwayStar
  • John_Doe12
    Antwortet auf LordValmar

    They need to swap the dialogue around otherwise it doesn't make sense.

    – I searched through videos of him in the past week and his body movements have been unusual. They are very little that no one will really notice but I'm pretty sure… he's dying.
    Marvel: A New Avenger
    Filme · Extra26
  • John_Doe12

    It had runes to return to her and blond bonding. How again was it stolen?

    Frey had a small smile of victory.
    Reborn as Thor!
    Anime und Comics · Ghost_84
  • John_Doe12

    Poor Summers!

    [Charles F Xavier LV 160] - [Jean Grey LV 151] - [Scott Summers LV 54]
  • John_Doe12

    Skips straight to the murder. Gamer logic. Check. MC is placed in a situation that will give him ample opportunity to raise his skills and a demand for action. Bad guys will become progressively more dangerous.

    From there, I started to plan. One, I needed to find a way to escape from this ghastly situation. Two, I needed to find the mutant they had on their command, if that bastard was able to track other mutants then he or she, inclusion above all, had to disappear. If nothing else I did not want to go through this shi again.
  • John_Doe12

    Are the game events scheduled in intervals of eight? His time skips are eight hours. He reads for probably eight hours. In eight days he gets kidnapped!

    It took me eight days, eight days to be kidnapped, how? Well, allow me to explain.
  • John_Doe12

    So, the MC is brutal. Finds a new place. It comes with a roommate! Win. Roommate unfortunately comes with baggage. Mc makes no plans to see his roommate as anything but a drug addict. Aaron is probably gonna become a nameless background character. Poor Aaron he had such potential. Coulda escaped an underground testing facility run by Hydra. That's left him with crushing paranoia, a crippling anxiety disorder and extremely heightened senses. The drugs are the only thing to curb to pain and endless noise in his head. Or he could have been a part of a gang in hells kitchen, running drugs for the Hand.

    Sharing a room with a drug addict obviously would put most people on edge but I had nothing for him to steal. the money was in my inventory, and so would be all my future shit, at least while I lived here. So long as he did try selling my blood or organs I think I should be safe.
  • John_Doe12

    Rides in the truck. Gains free money... Yet, never uses the truckers name. NPC who?

    "See ya around!" And with that, he left. What a nice guy, giving a complete stranger money, this shit only happens in movies and ga… games, huh. Wonder if this will become a thing.
  • John_Doe12

    Or is that because you are wearing second-hand clothes, look filthy and probably have yet to sort out the no shoes no service problem. It's either that or the axe murderer vibes. Maybe both.

    Here I painfully discovered being a man was a weakness in the hitchhiking business, so I waited and waited for hours, until a truck came by, and offered me a ride.
  • John_Doe12
    Antwortet auf Monsterb620

    Only for the ancient one to give you the third degree. Hopefully, they decided your knowledge and interference in the timeline isn't a large enough threat. Otherwise, they're just gonna blast you into cosmic dust.

    Taking a deep breath, I shook my head and continued my journey hoping I would soon reach civilization. And well, let's just say games lied to us. Instead of a five minutes journey, like in most games, it took me eight hours to walk my way out of the forest into the nearest road, where I would use my charisma skills to get a ride, aka I would beg for one.
  • John_Doe12

    What happened to the wolves? Man-food is still not wolf snacks. This makes me sad. Also, the naked man in a forest meets an eight hour time skip. Hello? Injuries: Rashes, scratches, odd leaves. Dirt, grime and weird tree sap in all the wrong places. Is the forest freezing the nips or the sun burning his skin? Spider webs, in his hair and bug bites on his ass. Did a rabbit squirrel come after his nuts! What happened? How's the water situation? Is dehydration or hunger kicking in and making him irrational or desperate. Are his feet bleeding? Or are his defence stats high enough to make shoes a weaker mans garments?

  • John_Doe12

    I died...

    With his gruff voice aided by the systems to vocalize his voice, Grievous replies. "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood? As much wood as a woodchuck could chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood."
    Star Wars: Skywalker
    Filme · Link_Id
  • John_Doe12

    I am still not sure I am okay with the way he is still controlling the loyalties and choices of his mother. From slavery to complete submission.

    "Ok if that is what you want..."
    Star Wars: Skywalker
    Filme · Link_Id
  • John_Doe12

    Nothing like a little bit of Delegation. A masterful Darkside skill otherwise known by the name of "Minion Do the Thing"

    His master had pointed out to him and given a mission to locate the source of this disturbance, and he in turn sent out his own trained assassins, to locate the source.
    Star Wars: Skywalker
    Filme · Link_Id
  • John_Doe12

    20Hp a bomb? Expensive. There had to be something in there that could knock him out cold.

    He tried to move his foot away, but the bomb stretched and he was locked. Finding the chance, Alex threw more and more sticky bombs all over his body.
    Marvel: A New Avenger
    Filme · Extra26
  • John_Doe12

    60hp to stop one leaking tank? There had to have been a better option resource wise. A single-use item like the key except for containing or stopping explosions

    Alex continued to throw three more stick bombs on the tank, completely stopping any leakage.
    Marvel: A New Avenger
    Filme · Extra26
  • John_Doe12
    Antwortet auf John_Doe12

    That's not to mention other non-combat-related skills they could teach him.

    [Alkemi Advancement serum]
    Marvel: A New Avenger
    Filme · Extra26
  • John_Doe12

    Why hasn't he tried searching for things within his own universe? Super-Solder Serum, the Heart-Shaped Leaf, The Green Goblin Serum (With the provision that it is completed and the side effects removed.) The Centipede Serum, Xperience, the power granting wonderdrug. Nick Furies Infinity Formula. The Golden Sentry Serum. (Maybe with some HP tweaks to avoid the massive side effects). All the above serums aren't even that out of his reach. IF he wanted to go the items pathway then he could do the whole go hard or go home choices of: The Mandalorians Rings, The Crimson Gem Of Cyttorak, The Evil Eye Of Avalon, The Darkhold, The Book of Vishanti. AND these are just items. If he was to use his training room after he met characters like Daredevil, Captain America, Wolverine, Shang-Chi, etc then he would be one of the greatest fighters alive.

    [Alkemi Advancement serum]
    Marvel: A New Avenger
    Filme · Extra26
  • John_Doe12
    Antwortet auf Prolificlife

    He said he was smart enough to repair household goods. That shows a level of mechanical and electrical engineering skills. Why hasn't he taken classes from the Hero Shop to further increase these skills? He could then create his own gadgets or even reverse engineer the equipment from the shop. Like the Holo-tech. That would be a game-changer.

    Alex bought the key for 20 HP and instantly, a red colour key appeared in his hands. It was a low grade item and wasn't useful for opening anything other than normal houses.
    Marvel: A New Avenger
    Filme · Extra26