

2019-03-30 BeigetretenGlobal

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  • 30d

    Hey that that planet took our monster Auest slimes, shame on them.

    Ch 1468 Chapter 1468 Relaxing Travels for Once!
    D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad
    Fantasie · Vongrak
  • 2mth
    Antwortet auf SturmGamerxD724_

    Wouldn’t a list of people that would not consider Kats regenerative abilitY BS a cheat might be a loT more Manag. eable

    "While I can run at that speed throughout the day without trouble, that does not mean I take no wear from the action. I could not guarantee full combat readiness after an extended sprint. You seem to have no issues. I can confidently say that your regeneration is categorically bullshit,"
    D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad
    Fantasie · Vongrak
  • 4mth
    Antwortet auf Zigavr

    After evEryone is busy, lily sneaks around like a thieving cat for the valuable loot.

    [Honestly? It sounds pretty interesting. The shrinking arena really doesn't favour me, but depending on how much its going to shrink it might not actually be a problem. I'm pretty tiny and I can see myself finding a nice place to hide out for the last hour of the challenge if it comes to that. Though I do worry a bit about getting thrown out the arena for the same reason. My wings might help? I haven't really used them underwater much so I can only hope for the best. I'm going to try and push myself a bit. Not to Gareth's extent, but enough to prove I have a chance at winning. And if I do manage the win? Well that's all the better.]
    D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad
    Fantasie · Vongrak
  • 4mth

    All Lily wouLd need is a fancy magical pillow, her cat istincts would go wild.

    "Now, as for the other half of this challenge. The treasures. You'll need to be careful with them in more ways then one. Firstly, all treasure will be initially found in a treasure chest, and all treasure chests contain treasures. Anything I put in a treasure chest is considered a treasure for the purpose of this challenge, but no getting cheeky. Anything stuck to the box like cushions for example, are considered part of the treasure chest, not the treasure. Though you could find a pillow that is a treasure. 
    D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad
    Fantasie · Vongrak
  • 5mth

    I Have to wonder is there a demonic species of cat nip or does regular catnip effocts mynphts? Since Lily is gorging out on the fish like a normal cat, i Want to read her respons To catnip.

    Because Lily was clearly a bit out of it at the moment the group unanimously decided to keep quiet and make their way through a good portion of their own food. Lily finished quickly and then went up to grab a second helping before anyone could say anything about it. This too was quickly devoured in record time then she went up for thirds. Kat didn't say anything when Lily returned and consumed the lot in just under two minutes. This led to Kat giving her some head scratches when she started pouting, but that was fine. "Urgh, I can't believe it's all gone," whined Lily
    D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad
    Fantasie · Vongrak
  • 5mth

    With lily around everybody can be a special sElection cat whisperer.

    Marigold gave Lily a strange look. "Ok… why could I understand that?" 
    D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad
    Fantasie · Vongrak
  • 6mth

    Paper airplane anyone?

    *You know… I wonder what Lily is doing over there anyway? We agreed not to use our wings for anything, not even gliding. Which, admittedly might have been a bit overly restrictive, but in the end probably for the best. So what exactly is she doing going for Burnice's strategy? She's not a wind mage… eh I'm sure she has some idea.* 
    D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad
    Fantasie · Vongrak
  • 6mth

    Naw, that not to bad. Atleast this opens up justification to do some remodeling oF the property.

    Marigold nodded and said, "Yes it was probably the best… though it eventually exploded and took out the wall behind it… and the two rooms behind that… and then the bush behind that, and a good chunk of the garden behind that… and most of the pond. It was a lot of damage," 
    D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad
    Fantasie · Vongrak
  • 6mth

    Holy grail refrene here.

    Green looked at the question and read it again before asking aloud, "This is a mortal swallow right?" the word 'mortal' glowed twice as bright for a few seconds. "Right, so… doesn't that mean the answer is nothing? A mortal swallow can't lift that much?" 
    D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad
    Fantasie · Vongrak
  • 6mth

    Maybe Lily should ask thyme about Her shadow spells, witH thyme bs ability im sure IT might have some idea.

    Ch 1281 Chapter 1281 Secretary Kat
    D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad
    Fantasie · Vongrak
  • 7mth

    Ah yeAh folks, we have some planEing going on here. This shipping thing, toss that out; planeing is the new thing.

    "I did," said Nixilei firmly. "Maybe it's just the fact my team seems to be made up of couples, maybe it's the atmosphere, or maybe I just think you're cute. Could be any of those, or a combination of them all. It's not terribly appropriate, and perhaps it's best to wait until the tournament is over to… properly discuss and explore things." The words hung in the air for a few seconds so Nixilei added "I don't regret it though," 
    D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad
    Fantasie · Vongrak
  • 7mth

    Jeez the descriptions of thyme when his smile grows larger then his head cOuld be used for some creative internet creepy pasta stories.

    Thyme waited for the shocked looks across the competitors. "Yes that's right. Currently we aren't too close to that island paradise you remember, no we're right in the middle of a monster hotspot! Sure most of them are stuck on the ground but the few that fly? Well they're aggressive little buggers so do be careful. I wouldn't want any of you to get hurt on my watch." Thyme's smile widened even further. Their face was more smile then face at this point and Nixilei could almost feel a headache coming on. 
    D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad
    Fantasie · Vongrak
  • 10mth

    Muhahaha, this mad hatter just loves a good old Helping of stir pot reaction. Now he just needs to convince them to hop around while having a nice cup of tea.

    Blue shrunk into herself and slowly started to hide behind Thyme's oversized chair, not wanting to get mixed up in… whatever the heck was going on now. *Welp. Things have gotten out of hand, and Thyme's clearly just making things worse. Is this Thyme's idea of how to break the ice with everyone? I get that we didn't really mingle much after yesterdays games… so is Thyme trying to force stuff to happen?*
    D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad
    Fantasie · Vongrak
  • 11mth

    HoSton we have too many charged people in tHis game! How do make sure it stay pg13.

    Thyme let out a tired sigh, the clown makeup morphing into a frown. "I don't like that this is being brought out, but yes, technically speaking that would mean you were touching that mat, and thus eliminated. I pray that it doesn't come up. Ever." 
    D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad
    Fantasie · Vongrak
  • 11mth
    Antwortet auf pavel_ogorek

    If this was a Youtube video, the author introduce paid advertising for a Writers story board web serviCes to help keep tracK of all those little details someone might forget.

    "Unless someone like Thyme with time affinity goes back to the spot and uses a spell to view the past. Then they could probably find something out, but they'd have to be pretty strong and well… I have a feeling Thyme isn't going to bother," 
    D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad
    Fantasie · Vongrak
  • 11mth

    Pirate thyme has his broad cannons ready to fire. Shiver me Timbers!

    Thyme clapped his hands, and then all of a sudden, a row of cannons dropped down. One in front of Thyme, and one to the north. Kat's jaw dropped as Thyme grinned madly behind their row of cannons. *SHIT. Thyme strongly implied we'd be throwing balls at each other… but he just said we lose a life if we get hit and can return the favour if we catch it. No wonder Thyme added that line about blocking with another ball. We're going to have plenty to grab soon.*
    D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad
    Fantasie · Vongrak
  • 11mth

    Finally a Somebody thaT could act as a hard counter to kat in the physical front. Now we would be able to see a more rounded match then just kat steam rolling over everybody.

    Their final member, and one that made Kat somewhat concerned, even as Lily transformed back and started to rub her face against Kat's own… was a demon. He was almost certainly a Succubus, but that was more a guess due to his mostly human appearance. Kat would later learn that he liked to be called Stan, but never his real name. Which happened to be Sanamoth the Destroyer. Yes, his parents added 'the Destroyer' to his birth certificate. Also yes, they were very drunk at the time but were too prideful to change it later. 
    D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad
    Fantasie · Vongrak
  • 11mth

    Here is the best close range weapon for a mage, no Stupid dagger. A solid hard back book to bludgeon any body that gets close.

    Chartreuse, the male fae had green hair a noticeably different shade to Green's. It was in fact, Chartreuse, but Kat wasn't interested enough in colours or art to recognise that fact. He had a large heavy book that was reinforced with deadly looking metal corners. Kat's eyes were good enough to see that the metal edging actually stuck out a bit and had been sharpened to a fine point. It wasn't just a fancy book Chartreuse carried around, but also a real, if unconventional weapon. 
    D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad
    Fantasie · Vongrak
  • 1yr

    I love how the resonable third party people react in this series, such wide range of reactions veiwing a scene like pedestrians standing Around for the deama for to unfold.

    Unlike the rampant paranoia of the other two, Shun thought the standoff was going to continue for quite some time. So Shun had pulled out a pair of sunglasses earlier and gone to sleep. Nobody had noticed this fact. They just thought he was getting sick of the sun shining in his eyes, but in truth, he sneakily added planks as support under his robes and was leaning against them, and sleeping. His eyes were shut under those glasses, and he was paying no attention whatsoever to the goings on around him. Shun was perfectly content to sleep like this for however long was necessary. 
    D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad
    Fantasie · Vongrak
  • 1yr
    Antwortet auf WickedOniGod

    Could this alSo explain the personality disorder that Many cultivaturs have in other stories? Shocking!

    Meng shrugged, "Why do you think young cultivators are known for making rash and poorly thought out decisions even as they age hundreds of years Kat? The answer? It's because they aren't aging normally. They are the rough equivalent of teenagers. Why do you think the elves haven't suddenly taken over the world Kat? Sure there's a fertility issue, but a much bigger problem is the extended puberty and childhood that makes it seem like dumb decisions are good ideas," 
    D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad
    Fantasie · Vongrak