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Wow, you are a pro! man, wish I can write like that. Those difficult thesaurus words might turn off some people, this is definitely not your typical cup of coffee and can only turn up people who want that specific kind of artwork. This is good, tho I was weirded out at first and it occurred to me that this is Chinese culture. I understood that this is your culture and led to such information on the basis. I'm yet to finish reading but I'm off to sleep now and I owe you this review. Keep up the good work.
The character can be basically anyone, highly relatable that you portrayed him as you were back in the days when u were still young. I believe this is a distant memory of yours? I can tell because of the detail you put through. kudos!
Well if that's your experiment then go for it!
Good novel man, you're a pro. I get that ur American? or are you not but an English teacher? The grammar is on point and punctuations aren't wrong unlike mine hahaha. It's a good story but I find the world (environment) and characters hard to imagine as I don't know how they look like. But you know, that's just me man, I tend to read books who describe their characters on how/what they look like. KUDOS! will read new updates soon.
Actually just after you've done reading it the latest chapter was added hehehe
Wow thanks! did you reply to a swap?