

2019-09-17 BeigetretenGlobal

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  • LoveInTheAir

    Whoopie...That should definately sweeten your day..

    She leaned forwards a bit and kissed him on the cheek. 
    Spider-Man Mayhem
    Anime und Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3
  • LoveInTheAir

    Wow.. That was great.. PP, you just got yourself another fan here.. she is my neighbour's sister.. P.S. I am looking forward to this PP and Fel cat pair. Love their chemistry and definitely their biology too.

    "Sure, it may seem like it's all about me at times, but being a hero also means acknowledging our own humanity. We have feelings, doubts, and desires just like everyone else. Yet, despite the personal sacrifices and challenges, the ability to bring hope and safety to others is what truly drives me. It's about spreading joy, making people feel safe, and inspiring others to do the same."
    Spider-Man Mayhem
    Anime und Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3
  • LoveInTheAir

    Don't kill him.. Just burn his junk so that he can think properly and take correct decisions without being under its influence..

    The man started to kiss the woman's neck, causing the woman to cry out, "move a muscle and I'll slice your throat. Your body will still be warm for me to have my fun, so don't think I won't do it" 
    Spider-Man Mayhem
    Anime und Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3
  • LoveInTheAir

    Just join the Spider Club.. You are already 90% there, just need 10% more craziness in your life..

    Landing perfectly, she bowed. "A 10 out of 10 if I don't say so myself," she chuckled to herself. 'I see why Pete likes to make little quips here and there.'
    Spider-Man Mayhem
    Anime und Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3
  • LoveInTheAir

    Don't forget to keep providing fuel to the stars or else they would go 'boom boom' on everyone.

    The gravitational force between the two suns measures 1.8 x 10^12 Newtons, maintaining a relative distance of 10 centimeters. Each sun has a mass of 1.2 x 10^4 kilograms and a surface stability of 99.8%. Fluctuations in the magnetic containment field are minimal at ±0.01%, with energy output fluctuating by ±0.02% and rotational speed by ±0.005%. Harmonic oscillations have a frequency of 50 Hz and an amplitude of 0.001 Tesla, while the pulsation frequency is 60 Hz with a variance of 0.5%. All readings are within expected parameters, indicating the reactor is fully operational and stable, with no immediate risks detected."
    Spider-Man Mayhem
    Anime und Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3
  • LoveInTheAir

    *Star Sun is the name of our star.

    "Readings indicate the Arc Reactor is operating at optimal efficiency with an energy output of 4.5 terawatts and an energy conversion efficiency of 98.7%. The dual-sun configuration is spinning at 150,000 revolutions per minute. The magnetic containment field is stable at 99.9%, with an ambient temperature of 5000 Kelvin. Radiation levels are 0.3 sieverts of gamma radiation, 0.1 sieverts of neutron radiation, and 1.2 sieverts of electromagnetic radiation.
    Spider-Man Mayhem
    Anime und Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3
  • LoveInTheAir

    Happy Birthday in a new world, Happy Birthday in a new world, We were happy in our old life, but raised the red flag too soon. Happy Birthday in a new world..

    "What if it blows up and we end up dead?" 
    Spider-Man Mayhem
    Anime und Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3
  • LoveInTheAir
    Antwortet auf blankbrokencanvas

    Regulus is already cut down.. He turned into a inferi when he died and got dragged into the water.

    Ch 155 Chapter 155: "Knight vs Inferi Horde"
    Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian
    Bücher und Literatur · TalesByJaz
  • LoveInTheAir

    Are there going to be more knight training episodes.. Where is the magic in that..

    Realizing he couldn't continue much longer, Harry decided to pause the attack for the day. It was clear he couldn't clear this lake of inferi in one day, as the waves of undead kept coming. He would need to return a few more times to finish the job.
    Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian
    Bücher und Literatur · TalesByJaz
  • LoveInTheAir

    You know what Author, you could have written a completely new novel involving melee fighting and sword arts and most of us would have liked and appreciated it more than this..whatever you are doing with HP fanfic.. This is not working out. If you are bored of magic or have no more ideas on magic (training or learning) then start the interaction route. Harry hardly has any interaction with any body his age. At this rate, after graduation, he would turn into a hermit in his peer's mind. or any other route too.. This is a HP world where Magic lingers, where we modern ppl come for some magical secrets. We got other novels for fiat and swords, and we read that if we ever get bored. So please stop this whole knight business, cause its not generating the right interest.

    With this in mind, Harry changed his strategy. He began aiming his strikes higher, focusing on decapitating the undead creatures. Each swing of his sword now sent heads rolling, finally stopping the inferi in their tracks.
    Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian
    Bücher und Literatur · TalesByJaz
  • LoveInTheAir

    T-That's not luck.. That's the legendendary Extra Thick Smart Adapting Plot Armor..

    While deep in thought, a sudden splash of water drenched Cyrus's face. He quickly ducked, covering his face with his hands. He could feel his soaked features reverting to their original, handsome appearance. Thankfully, the cave was dimly lit, and Griphook was focused ahead, so he didn't notice the change.
    I became Voldemort
    Bücher und Literatur · HornyFBI
  • LoveInTheAir

    Treat others how you want others to treat you..

    He put the doll on the table and put the necklace around the doll before leaving the house.
    I Only Want to Enjoy Life But My Little Sister Want Me to be King
    Bücher und Literatur · Fangrove
  • LoveInTheAir
    Antwortet auf KalebRodriguez

    SJ/BW: Buss off.. I belong to the owner. Me: Ahem.. you didn't need to say that aloud..

    If he wasn't mistaken, the person sitting directly across from him was Black Widow from the Avengers!
    Marvel: Why Can't Luck Be a superpower
    Filme · LORD_INDRA_
  • LoveInTheAir
    Antwortet auf Banane64_Yan

    True.. Harry and Naruto had few similarities, though Harry had it easy in the magical world due to his fame. Naruto was infamous but always stayed positive, proving himself as the better person. Harry instead had this negativity in him. Being mediocre is okay but he loved that aspect of his as he never strived to be the best or even better. Didn't like him much. Dumby was not like Hituzen. Hiruzen disliked politics and avoided complexites in all ways. Dumby welcomed them with open arms. He liked to complicate things which could be solved easily just to test others. And he loved politics, dealing with other great families and the professors with wits and charm. Dumby didn't sacrifies himself, he was already dying. His death became a part of his plan the moment he knew he had a year to live.

    "Ah, Scrimgeour - you are too radical. This is not good." Fudge said, "Everything can be negotiated. We have set up a goblin liaison office, haven't we?"
    I became Voldemort
    Bücher und Literatur · HornyFBI
  • LoveInTheAir

    Shadow manipulation, god of riches..

    You are a god of the dead, King of the Underworld, as such you are tasked with ensuring souls go where they belong and get what they deserve. You are blessed with many different abilities to aid you, your most useful however would be your fire and soul manipulation. You can use these abilities by simply willing it to happen.]
    Hades in Marvel
    Filme · User_Not_Found
  • LoveInTheAir

    Well.. Lets get this over with.. P.S. I liked the story a lot. However I just seem to dislike all the knight and sword training in HP. What's he gonna do next.. Cast Gemini spell on himself to play with his clone's sword.

    Behind him, Mira was alert and ready, understanding the stakes of their venture. At Harry's signal, she picked up a large stone and hurled it into the lake. The stone broke the surface with a loud splash, sending ripples spreading across the calm water. Instantly, the silence of the cave was shattered by ominous sounds reverberating around them, signaling the awakening of the inferi. Harry tightened his grip on his sword, bracing himself for the impending battle.
    Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian
    Bücher und Literatur · TalesByJaz
  • LoveInTheAir

    How does his sword look

    Harry stood at the edge of the cavern, peering into the abyss, his sword now unsheathed and glinting in the dim light of his wand. He didn't need to venture far into the lake or confront the inferi at the central pedestal. He reasoned that stirring the water from where he stood would draw the inferi to him, simplifying the confrontation.
    Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian
    Bücher und Literatur · TalesByJaz
  • LoveInTheAir
    Antwortet auf Nine11P2

    Hanzo existed after Mito died. That means even if Hashirama and Tobirama were not killed during battle, they would still be dead during the time Hanzo rose to supremacy. Konoha would still not provide aupport to Whirlpool village no matter what. Mito scared the hell out of them, they (Hiruzen, danzo,..) were just as much scared of Uzumaki clan as the other village were of them. My point is, if even such a strong village was destroyed after all the 4 villages collaborated then Konoha would also perish irrespective of the jinchuriki. Point to note, all this happened after Mito died who died a natural death. That means even Hashi and Tobi both would have had a natural dead by then as Mito had the longest lifespan among them.

    So, although I have often heard in my world how foolish the First Hokage was, I still respect him. This respect came from the fact that he managed to create a village that prospered for so long. Although, after his death, it became clear that it was a mistake for him to distribute the bijuus to other villages, still, one mistake does not erase many successes.
    Naruto: My Relationship Book
    Anime und Comics · WizardKiki
  • LoveInTheAir
    Antwortet auf Heroic_Spirit23

    Eww.. Look where you throw up.. This dress is imported.. almost ruined it..

    Almost all shounen were all about Youkai, either as the good or the bad guys. Fuck! Even Dragon Ball, which was called Drag So-Ball here for some fucking reason, had Goku as a monkey Youkai instead of him being an alien! I guess it fit, considering it was inspired by Journey to the West, but it didn't change the fact that the anime was still bad compared to the original.
    I Cast Fist (Celestial Grimoire - DxD)
    Anime und Comics · purplestormtaken
  • LoveInTheAir

    Parents from grave pov: We could have had a normal loving child but we got a unfilial son instead.. Such a shame.

    That was a bit too convenient, and I half expected it to be some kind of plot point for my backstory. Alas, that wasn't the case, and I didn't receive a magical letter when I turned eleven, nor did my grandparents teach me some cool Mystical Art that was passed down in our family. Such a shame.
    I Cast Fist (Celestial Grimoire - DxD)
    Anime und Comics · purplestormtaken