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If it is actual criticism, accept it and try to use it to improve. Otherwise, ignore the flamers they are just trying to get a rise out of you, and they are just mad they do not have the confidence or skill to make something like this.
Thanks for the chapter, but could you use Mac Miller for the next song if possible.
Sorry, I like reading a lot and don't comment unless I give constructive criticism as I don't have my words to be empty.So far, I do not find any issues with writing besdes well pacing. As the pacing at times is inconsistent as some chapters flow smoothly, some are too fast, and some are too slow. I know it is because of the type of chapter that causes it, I am just pointing it out.
It is the abriviation of Dungeon Fighter Online.
I think this is better in comparison
You could also post this on Scibble Hub
You never fixed chapter 183
keep both