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Oh Man... The first motive that motivated me to read this story was the original cover that was beautiful and instigating. Now, sorry if I'm been rude, I don't want to pass this image, but the new cover when compared with the other is... well... it's a shi%t$. It's horrible. If it's possible and the actual creator of the cover don't claimed anything I suggest that you change it back, it would bring many more viewers.
Hmm, it make sense, bro. Thank you for sharing this information.
I will give a try on his second book after. Thank you for telling us about the author's other books.
Someone know why in none of the chapters we have to pay fastpass to acess it? It's strange
I'm liking it. So far the development is great and I'm sure you will keep improving more and more.
Hey there, author-san! I was waiting for more chapters ^^. Thank you for your hard work. I'm sure you are improving and will improve a lot more, keep going like this and don't give up. I'm rooting for your sucess.
Is it really that there is no chance of some romance is this novel?
Hm, how can I say it? The story is not fluid at all. It's difficult to understand the situations. So, if I can suggest something is to explain things better and with more concision, please stop with the massive info dumping and make it more enjoyable and natural. And in the end, I think it's better make shorter sentences instead of the big ones that we have for now in your novel. But I have to say that I'm cheering for you author-san, keep improving.
It's a wolderful story which give us a plenty of concepts to reflect. One of the things that gave me much satisfaction while reading is the concept of 'good' and 'evil' that is wonderfully worked by the author. Other concept that I liked is the law of cause and consequence, what you sow you reap even though you are the MC. The names of the planet, continents and cities make us reflect about how lightly we use these names and how far we are to truly live their meanings. These things that I said coupled with a pair of other things give this story a very rare realysm which is dificult to find in other novels and although the final part of the story is rushed it is still pleasurable. I'm cheering for your other works, author-san! I'm sure you will improve more and more and create other amazing stories for all of us.