


a chicken loving airhead ❤ Le fromage c'est la vie.// les dieux pleurent aussi, c'est pourquoi la pluie tombe IG: schreient_rui

2019-01-08 JoinedFrance



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  • schreient
    schreient2 years ago
    Replied to _Angel_Johnson_

    hi! u can find me on IG and ill send u the link. merci

  • schreient
    schreient2 years ago

    The story is nice and intriguing although of course there are similar stories out there. But it's still an enjoyable read. Too bad it doesn't have a lot of chapters yet. Does anyone know if there is a novel version for this?

  • schreient
    schreient3 years ago

    Although it started very similarly to "From Sidekick to Bigshot", the story deviated to have it's own, interesting plot. Those people who love forensic crime solving mysteries would have been thrilled. HOWEVER, what would have been a very nice story was destroyed by awful storytelling. The ending was also too rushed and did not put a conclusion to all

  • schreient
    schreient3 years ago

    "Of course, she's not stupid" <--- the most stupid description ever for the dumbest MC ever. I tried to read to relax. My BP is now taller than me thanks to dumdum

  • schreient
    schreient3 years ago
    Replied to Hundred_Lilies

    Thanks for reading! Actually this is book is the first among many. You may still see the characters returning on the sequels although the focus is no longer them: Book 2 Lazarus is about Kaname Arima, Shiro's adopted son, Alistair is about Perun and Czernobog, then the other books on the same verse, Transcendence, Apollo & Luna, Reborn Gemini, Mercy's Revenge. But all will be available at a different app. I have since transferred to Dreame as their exclusive writer, and so far all my books uploaded there are free to read. Just the sequels are not yet there except for Apollo & Luna and other books not related to Alinea. If you have time I hope you drop by there

  • schreient
    schreient3 years ago
    Replied to Evil4500

    Thanks for reading^^ actually this book has tons of sequels but they will not be available here on webnovels. I am currently writing exclusively for Dreame App under the same penname. At the moment, the direct sequels are not yet there but one of the books, Apollo & Luna is already uploaded there. It's in the same verse

  • schreient
    schreient3 years ago
    Replied to Chang_mie

    thanks for reading. all of the sequels of this book will be available on a different app. I've already moved to Dreame. apollo and Luna is the same verse of this book

  • schreient
    schreient3 years ago
    Replied to ManniP

    thank you so much ❤

  • schreient
    schreient3 years ago
    Replied to

    thank u so muchee ❤

  • schreient
    schreient3 years ago
    Replied to Donnamarie015

    thank u for staying with tohru and yanee until the end.


She was the Princess who had to die… Alinea, beloved Princess of Ritz, and celebrated heroine of the recently concluded Immortal War was betrayed and killed for political reasons. However, death did not come. She found herself waking up in modern-day Tokyo, in the body of a girl, named, Suzuki Ara, the most hated antagonist of all. He was the Prince who had to live… Homura Ryuu, heir of the most influential family in Japan was forced to be engaged to Ara since birth, due to a family curse. He could only marry and have children with the woman mentioned in the prophecy, else his bloodline would die out. Fated… The Prince and Princess from different worlds, where revenge, hatred, conspiracy and strive for power prevailed, found each other in the most unexpected turn of events. Was this a coincidence? Maybe not. For two souls destined for each other meet regardless of time and circumstance. It's called fate... PLEASE DO NOT SPAM THIS BOOK. I REQUEST FOR EVERYONE TO SHOW RESPECT & AVOID EXP REVIEWS. ============================= Ara elbowed Ryuu in the rib. "Darling, you are scaring the people away. Learn how to smile." "Darling, if I smile, they will totally forget why they exist," Ryuu countered smugly, so Ara had no choice but to sigh in defeat. There's no sense making sense with this stubborn husky anyway. Well, he kind of had a point anyway… Ara looked towards the nurse's station where nurses kept bumping into each other or hitting the tables and making things fall because they were busy giving Ryuu demure glances. "See? They get distracted like that with me not smiling – what more if I do?"Ryuu told her with amusement in his voice. Then again, mischief danced in his blue gaze and he finally sent one bright smile the nurses' way. CRASH! BANG! Ara watched as chaos ensued in the station and she quickly pulled the naughty husky to the side and gave him a glare. "What? Who told me to smile?" he asked her innocently. "I did okay? It's my fault," Ara told him as she dragged him away. ============= Join Alinea's discord: https://discord.gg/Vv7uPrN follow me on IG: @schreient_rui FRENCH VERSION AVAILABLE here. Alinea (Français) Like the story? gimme coffee :D https://ko-fi.com/schreient

schreient · Fantasy
433 Chs

ALINEA (Français)

Elle était la princesse qui se devait de mourir… Alinea, princesse bien aimée de Ritz, et érigée en héroïne de la guerre immortelle récemment terminée fut trahie et tuée pour des raisons politiques. Toutefois, la mort ne vint pas. Elle se retrouva à se réveiller dans le Tokyo moderne, dans le corps d’une fille, nommée Suzuki Ara, antagoniste la plus détestée de tous. Il était le prince qui se devait de vivre… Homura Ryuu, héritier de la famille la plus influente du japon forcé à épouser Ara depuis sa naissance, en raison d’une malédiction familiale. Il ne pouvait se marier et avoir des enfants uniquement avec celle mentionnée dans la prophétie, sans quoi sa lignée disparaîtrait. Destiné… Le prince et la princesse de deux mondes différents, où règnent la vengeance, la haine, la conspiration et la lutte pour le pouvoir, se retrouvent dans une tournure des moins attendue. Était-ce une coïncidence ? Peut-être pas. Pour deux âmes destinées l’une à l’autre se rencontrer indépendamment du temps et des circonstances. C’est ce qu’on appelle la destinée… ======= Ara donne un coup de coude dans les côtes de Ryuu. « Chéri, tu fais fuir les gens, apprend donc à sourire. »  « Chérie, si je souris, ils oublieront totalement pourquoi ils existent, » Ryuu réplique avec suffisance, Ara n’a alors d’autre choix que de soupirer de défaite. Il n'y a aucun sens à raisonner ce têtu de husky de toute façon. Bien, il a en quelque sort raison de toute façon… Ara regarde vers le poste d'infirmière où les infirmières continuent à se rentrer les unes dans les autres ou à se cogner contre les tables tout en faisant tomber des objets parce qu'elles sont occupées à jeter un coup d’œil discret sur Ryuu. « Tu vois ? elles sont distraites comme ça sans même que je souris. Qu’arrivera-t-il de plus si je le fais ? » Ryuu lui dit d’une voix amusée. Puis encore, la malice se met à danser dans son regard bleu et finalement il envoie un sourire éclatant en direction des infermières. BING! BANG! Ara regarde le chaos éclater dans la station puis elle tire rapidement le coquin de husky sur le côté et lui lance un regard noir. « Quoi, Qui m’a dit de sourire ? » demande-t-il innocemment. « Je l’ai fait OK ? C’est de ma faute, » Ara lui dit-elle alors qu’elle l'entraîne au loin.

schreient · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
46 Chs