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I wouldn't put it past Rin from writing something like that for Shiro out of sheer spite.
Bruh, the Age of Gods is still clings to life. Simple gun against these guys? Until it's at least a Mystical code it's absolutely useless.
If he wasn't I doubt he would be able to seal Trihexa solo. He's just more of an artificer than warrior.
Because what will stop Riser parents from lending him their own pieces then? That's unspoken rules bro. They can't just get direct help from family and close friends in this.
Well, most fanfics consider light and holy power akin poison to devils. Don't know about Og. And whenever we humans had duels, using a poison was also no-no.
The moment they do that, some of them would be destroyed. By external enemies whom they definitely have. Because Sirzechs as Satan is big bad stick of intimidation for them. And good luck getting Ajuka out of his lab as long its not an extinction level event.
I think you overestimating average 18 year olds of the real world bro.
Saji did it for the perks. Boy had two younger siblings and no way of supporting them. He's also simp for Sona, idk why you mentioned him here.
Bro, Fey from Avalon forged it. At most you could say it's representation of Arthur ideals and beliefs, because they are associated with each other in myths.
Well, she certainly can't spy on Venti. Failed miserably, almost lost her clothes because of the wind in process.Source, her voice lines.