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but why does he have money problems. he could become the best jade stone gambler ever by using the scroll to find good stones and earning tons of money while also lvling the scroll
i find it funny that everywhere it say that the most ferocious beasts come at night meaning that they are the strongest but that doesnt make any sense. 1. the find less food as they meet less other beasts 2.they fight less for the same reason i mean look at our animals most nocturnal animals are either defenseless herbivores or small carnivores that hunt these herbivores
its not like nobody did think of it, it just that could use it like this. Ves is the first to basicly breath life into mech by using a design spirit, so the spirit is steering the change in the armor. if there is no spirit you would need a mech designer changing the armor everytime you add exotics
This whole Reward is a GIANT plothole. when he talked to the senior skull it was literally said that they cant make a real joint design because ves was just an apprentice and the best they could do was ves designing variants as a joint mech design. but now suddenly its possible?
there is a huge flaw here her ability was telekinesis why would she use it like that it is inefficent as hell first she uses her ability to bring the arrow to a complete stop only to accelerate it back to the speed when she needs it that means she would need to use tremendous force just to achieve that so why is she using her bow in the first place instead of throwing the arrows with her ability directly or why doesnt she just accelarate the flying arrow to a higher speed to hit her opponent instead of wasting energy to stop it? if she would push the arrows in flight to mach 1 or so then even the strongest people should have problems evading especially if she would use beast arrows
wont promise anything but i still read the comments and think about writing again from time to time