


I'm a siscon and like anti-heroes and evil protagonists.

2018-11-06 JoinedGlobal



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Insidious Pleasures

Eschaton Year 2018 The day it all began. The start of the unbearable sufferings. The end of the old era. Earth would witness the worst event that spread agony and pain around the world. The daily lives that people did not treasure as much. They would regret having so. That day, a catastrophe happened. Tsunamis, Earthquakes, Cyclones and other natural disasters were small incidents compared to that phenomenon. Magic circles suddenly appeared in the blue sky. Mythical beasts emerged from those Magic circles and started to decimate the population of humans without hesitation. The cries for help were resounding in every part on Earth, but they were all in vain. Until one man changed their fates. That man killed the beasts that not even the American military forces were able to kill. With the power of Magic, he annihilated those hungry creatures that craved for the deaths of humans. After a few years, he successfully eradicated the world of those beasts, saved the humans. He was praised as the Legendary Hero. The king of the world. But this is not the story of that Hero. This a story that is based on what happened after. Earth had restored its original form. Or even, Earth had become more developed, stronger and more.....cruel..... Heroes were created because of some people awakening to their powers. The power of Magic. Science was further progressed due to the help of magic. New materials were developed, the world became more abundant of facilities. Aristocracy was established and new organizations were set up. But there are lurking dangers in the darkness that would disrupt the peace of this world. The disturber of peace were waiting for their chance to set more calamities in this world, but why? This story follows a boy who is tangled between the lurking darkness and the shining lights of the world. He is weak, soft-hearted, reliable and.........cute. He does not want to fight or get crushed under the strong that rules the world. Yet why does get involved in such battle? How is he related to these dangers? Is it just coincidences? Is he just unlucky? Or..... PS: Everyone reading this, do not hold back on pointing any mistakes that i make in the story. and the book cover does not belong to me.

Lelouch10Niichan · Urban
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74 Chs

A Brother's Sacrifice

Kaburagi Tenma. That is the name of the main protagonist of this story. Or should I say, the main villain? In this story, everyone will perceive him as being manipulative, fearful and a scum. They are not wrong. People close to him see him as someone who takes advantage of others' helplessness, someone who has a stone heart, someone who is unfair. The ones who are really close to him find him interesting, funny and sometimes reliable. But no one actually really knows his true self. Is he a coward? A kind person like those typical shounen protagonists? A lonely person? An evil manipulator? We don't know. Before, he was not like that. He was just an ordinary kid. But what changed this 16-year-old this much? Did something absurd happened? We also don't know the motivation that drives him to be feared and hated by those around him. Why is he doing this The bitter truth is much darker than that. But..... The one thing that we understand as we progress the story is that he is doing it not because he wants to, but because of someone else. Someone else special..... Follow the story of this despised and feared delinquent, to find out his true motives, how did he become like this, and finally, who is that someone that he is doing it for..... PS: This is the first time that I'm writing a story. As you can see by the protagonist's name, it is set in Japan because I'm a big fan of anime in Japan. Also, I didn't put honorifics like '-san' or '-Kun' because I don't really know how it works. After Chapter 10 or so, my writing becomes better so bear with the shitty writing skills. I improve gradually And finally, I am grateful that you readers took your time to read my story. It's my first story so bear with it if there are too many grammar mistakes or if the story is kind of boring. Hope you all have a good time and I also hope that some readers might like the story I just wrote. Thank you.

Lelouch10Niichan · Realistic
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79 Chs