


quid pro quo

2018-10-08 BeigetretenPhilippines

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  • Chaos127

    At first I only read this because I'm still waiting for LOTM part 2 but I didn't expect that reading this book would bring me a roller coaster of emotions. I'm so sad that it already ended and 4 of them died except for Genava 😭😭😭 When I read the Bonus Chapter I was really confused cuz I thought they were still alive but it was only actually Abbess Zhou's illusion which I guess was her way of honoring them. Fck bro that just made it 10 times more sadder. Now I feel like I don't have anything to read 😭😭

    Embers Ad Infinitum
    sci-fi · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • Chaos127
    Antwortet auf Anubesetesh

    go all out? let me remind you that professors are watching them plus he's in a dangerous environment which means he have to be alert everytime. and him being stuck as an edgelord? he's doing everything he can for the team and the least his members could do is listen and follow him. He's almost doing all the work here so dont blame him. anyone in his shoes would be annoyed to have such dumb teammates too

    Lith was on the verge of tears, this experience was a full-blown disaster. He was sick and tired of playing babysitter, but what choice did he have left? He slowed down, detaching from the group and appearing beside the Ry.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasie · Legion20
  • Chaos127
    Antwortet auf Moose_3565

    its good to see that someone understands. all these people do is complain without figuring the depth of character of our mc

    Lith could have done it on his first try, but that would make him too outstanding. The worst part was that the only way he had to measure time was for Solus to count the seconds.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasie · Legion20
  • Chaos127
    Antwortet auf Luxar

    no, he said he wants to bind his soul in his current world. that would mean that when he dies, he will be Reincarnated in the same world

    At that point, he would be considered an adult, and could finally leave Lutia to start exploring the world and searching for a solution to his reincarnation problem.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasie · Legion20
  • Chaos127

    the woman: "Might as well drag them down with me!"

    "I confess! It was me poisoning you, and those two are my accomplices!" She said pointing at the two survivors.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasie · Legion20
  • Chaos127
    Antwortet auf Kotagi

    he has family to protect. he can't be always at their side

    'I'm of humble origins and with no backer. Mimicking a Magus is like courting death. If even revealing less talent than Nana brought a noble to try to kill me, showing so much skill would put me on the hit list of all the major families.'
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasie · Legion20
  • Chaos127
    Antwortet auf PatrioticZ

    wow what an a**hole

    "Okay, this is getting creepy, but I need to get my boar back."
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasie · Legion20
  • Chaos127
    Antwortet auf RhynoJoe

    it's not that he don't have fire magic. it's just that he can't use it. maybe because of the environment

    He could cover himself in fire, ice, or lightning without getting a single scratch.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasie · Legion20
  • Chaos127
    Antwortet auf Lami_the_sheep

    whose parent wouldn't be offended when someone told you that your child is a liar for saying that he can read which is actually true?

    Elina wouldn't let her change the subject, not until she apologized for calling her son a liar.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasie · Legion20
  • Chaos127
    Antwortet auf BrownMunda

    well, something is clearly wrong with you

    "Yes mom, there is no need to apologize." Lith hated it when someone spoke about him like he wasn't there. "And I was not playing with it, I was just reading."
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasie · Legion20
  • Chaos127
    Antwortet auf BrownMunda

    him caring and sympathizing for his older sister. you find that annoying. how? why?

    Lith felt very sorry for her. Despite not having spent much time with Tista, she was precious to both Elina and Rena, and that was more than enough to make her precious to him too.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasie · Legion20
  • Chaos127
    Antwortet auf Aquartiz

    he can't understand the complexity of our mc's personality

    'If this world is even a bit similar to Earth's middle age, it's better to stay in my old man's good book until I am self-sufficient.' This was Lith's reasoning.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasie · Legion20
  • Chaos127
    Antwortet auf Raijah

    yes stated in prologue

    'Heisenberg's beard! She is not just an old midwife! She is a real magician, in the flesh! I have never been so happy in my whole three lives to be dead wrong'
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasie · Legion20
  • Chaos127
    Antwortet auf TheAncientOnell

    it's not that he's weak. the girl's soul is just so much stronger than him that it overwhelme him that's why he has to resort to creating fake personas or severing his emotions to avoid being caught by her

    'My priority should be to recreate a false persona. After all, as long as I am here, there are many occasions for us to meet. Severing my emotions are just a stopgap measure, once I re-establish the connection, the emotions I had been experiencing for the entire duration will hit me in an instant, overwhelming me like just now.'
    Psychic Parasite
    sci-fi · Overlord_Venus
  • Chaos127


    'I mourn for the 28 lives I had taken. But, if I was in that situation a second time, I would have re-enacted the same. I usually strive for public welfare, showing great compassion and moral values. But, when left with no other choice, I will choose to save myself. If I have to describe myself in one word, it would be a Hypocrite.'
    Psychic Parasite
    sci-fi · Overlord_Venus
  • Chaos127
    Antwortet auf xerosama1

    you are this far into the story and u can't still figure that out?

    Heima was the only person he cared for as his family, his emotional anchor in this world. He dared not imagine what he would become should something happen to her.
    Psychic Parasite
    sci-fi · Overlord_Venus
  • Chaos127

    what hypocrisy as if u guys would do the opposite if that happens to you too; forced to be inside a body not yours and waiting for decades before your plan became successful. he did what he did to survive

    He used the entirety of his emotions, clubbing all the injustice faced in his life, his imprisonment, his prior death, etc. into his mentality, stabilising his sanity and willpower. He endured the pain; his stomach secreted the acids and withstood the blows of the Wisdom Parasite.
    Psychic Parasite
    sci-fi · Overlord_Venus
  • Chaos127
    Antwortet auf Caleb_YourMajesty

    did u not read carefully? it was stated before when ancestor light visited him that he was crying over his confession cause of something he did before which is probably killing those kids. lol he was wrecked with guilt alright? he's just better at hiding it.

    The moment the drug sopped, Jyorta's eyes drooped, he had fainted. His expression was filled with disgust, despair, and fear, an amalgamation of all negative feelings. Looking at his sleeping face, the nurse heaved a breath of relief, "Phase 1: Parasite Ingestion—completed successfully!"
    Psychic Parasite
    sci-fi · Overlord_Venus
  • Chaos127
    Antwortet auf Brianna_Torres_9523

    that's why the author said not to read the novel lightly lmao

    'Based on what Rhachis Ancestor Light said, George is my successor; then, what was Jyorta going about that day when the language teacher lost control? Does that mean Kaushik is the real name of George Eagle and he could notice the hints? But, Jyorta doesn't strike as a perceptive individual. Or maybe, George had slipped up some information to him while trying to take over his soul but failed eventually? What was the actual reason?' The girl thought, sipping her coffee.
    Psychic Parasite
    sci-fi · Overlord_Venus
  • Chaos127
    Antwortet auf Deeran

    wait what if he's not totally taking over the host but is merging with it? and he's the one who'll control the body in the end cause he's definitely stronger than the hosts, then that would mean that maybe the hosts personality will become a part of him as well right? just my opinion

    The blue soul watched everything in silence, listening to Jyorta's use of words by connecting to his left ear. Jyorta didn't find anything amiss, using his little-finger to dig into his left ear, trying to clean it in order to recover his hearing in it. He assumed it was due to water droplets getting clogged in them.
    Psychic Parasite
    sci-fi · Overlord_Venus