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aisha always had potential even in canon, she was the prodigy sister. Norn is the one who needs help.
kinda fake sounding. hes rich af, she came from money, why would she be bothered with that lol she never had any money problems
when there are this many, why even call it harem? why not just flings as its impossible to give them all consistent air-time anyway. pump and dump and sometimes pump again for a repeat visit.
meh. there are layers of heroism. hes still Heroically inclined, just not to the point where he sacrificed her for it.
did i understand that right that the likeability keeps locked in when he breaks up? or just the upper amount possible. if yes he can break up the moment he gets 100% and then just bails and gets all the benefits forever
considering every level 4 is fast enough to just clotheline them as they run past lol
you have a bow, dont you? just shoot them in the knee
why are you doing this... writing a whole conversation with someone you didnt introduce -.-