The Arcane Dimension
This is not 'His'-story but my-story, the story of how reality itself changed on me and resulted in my inadvertent adventures.
It has a very slow start and will take time to pick up speed
This is the first time I am actually writing one of my ideas on paper, Although, in terms of English speaking and writing skills I would be Considered somewhat articulate, I do love shifting from first to third person perspectives a lot and tend to ramble on and on.
P.S. The image is from a Doctor Who Screen Capture I think, I found it online and I do not own it if you own it let me know and I'll remove it if you want me to.
P.P.S. All characters belong to whoever created them , those that I create that belong to me . The resemblance of known characters is a homage to them and to living people is just creative license on my part and not meant to offend.
Any resemblance to true events you may recognize yourself in ... (well who asked to you to be so perceptive ) is just bad luck :)
NightshadeGreen · Andere